Encounter: Beastly time with Laura at Aphrodite

Alpha_Male's Avatar
Date: Nov 23
Name: Laura
Phone: 346-246-0296
Email Address: -
URL / Website: : https://home.ourhome2.net/member.php...e%92s-pleasure
City: Houston
State: - TX
Address: - Galleria
Activities: - bbbj, cim
Hair Length and Color: - In a bun
Age: - 20s
Smoking Status: - N
Ethnic Background: - Hispanic
Physical Description: - Most latina agency girls are a 6 at best, Laura was a 4.
Had a last minute opening in my schedule and booked at the first spa in my call history for a half hour. The booker told me her only girl was Laura. Laura was a beast. A face like Broderick Crawford. The bun was no help. She was shaped like an upside down triangle with broad shoulders and meaty arms. Her mid section was thick and shapeless and it tapered down to no butt.

I got naked and sat in a chair and indicated I wanted a blowie. I closed my eyes and thought of Pornhub. I did try and reach down to stroke some smooth skin but the arms were just too big. I finally was getting close and I said I was ready to cum. She grunted approval and I spewed into her mouth. I didn't pay attention to if she swallowed or not. She did do a good job of keeping up stimulus as I came. I got up and went and washed myself and got dressed. To make things even worse, Aphrodite charges a premium to the other places, so I paid more than I ever had for 30 minutes with the ugliest girl I've done in a while.

On the way out I noticed Crystal a very pretty faced light skinned girl that is an easy 7 if you don't get turned off by way too many tats.

I suspect the booker put me with Laura to give her some business. Crystal and others? must have been told to hide, because if I'd seen anyone else I would have switched.

The self loathing that followed was bad. I keep swearing never again, but it happens.
Recommendation: -No
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TonyJay's Avatar
Oof. Yeah. I had one fugly session this year too and echo your feelings. I guess it comes with 2020.

Thanks for the review.
Any intel on Heidy or Karol at Aphrodite?
Thanks for sharing, last fugly I encountered I turned around and walked out ( which always carries its own issues as you watch over your back) and remind yourself that is why I never park where they tell me to !
Alpha_Male's Avatar
Just in case anyone doesn't remember actor Broderick Crawfored:


I hear you on parking away from the scene of the crime -- lessons risk in so many scenarios.
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  • pkh
  • 01-12-2021, 12:19 AM
this is the best thing I read all day!!! LOL