No, not mine, but from respected Prof. Paul Rahe..........I suspect Team Obama knows what is coming as well...

tick, tick, tick.
"In my opinion, none of the psephologists…has reflected on the degree to which the administrative entitlements state – envisaged by Woodrow Wilson and the Progressives, instituted by Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and expanded by their successors – has entered a crisis, and none of them is sensitive to the manner in which Barack Obama, in his audacity, has unmasked that state’s tyrannical propensities and its bankruptcy. In consequence, none of these psephologists has reflected adequately on the significance of the emergence of the Tea-Party Movement, on the meaning of Scott Brown’s election and the particular context within which he was elected, on the election of Chris Christie as Governor of New Jersey and of Bob McDonnell as Governor of Virginia, and on the political earthquake that took place in November, 2010. That earthquake, which gave the Republicans a strength at the state and local level that they have not enjoyed since 1928, is a harbinger of what we will see this November. "

Read his whole article here.
And note to my conservative buddies;

Rahe says this:

"...In the meantime, you should not be afraid. This is going to be fun, and our margin of victory is going to be large."

Listen to Rush today; he will pick up on the Rahe commentary/prediction !
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Romney still has the unique ability to throw this election. The winner will be decided by who gaffes last.
Romney still has the unique ability to throw this election. The winner will be decided by who gaffes last. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Rahe doesn't disagree; in an online discussion, his answer to your observation was :

" But keep in mind that I did not say that Romney could not blow it. He is capable of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Timidity can do that for you. I just do not think that he will do so."
LovingKayla's Avatar
I've been looking up alot of the things I hear about Romney lately. It looks like it's all just red herring after red herring. I'd do just about anything to hear something truly horrible Romney has actually done. I don't mean post another link to what someone else has said, and I don't mean to say how he is just a money and power hungry guy looking to take over the world. That stuff has the opposite effect most desire when you post it. It just makes us roll our eyes and say, well I guess he might be alright after all. (we don't really say that. We sorta just throw up in our mouths a little when we see the choice in front of us)

Any democrats that support Allen West?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
It may be one red herring (a lie) after another but some people want to believe the lies and will NEVER accept the truth.
It is hard to run with your foot in your mouth.Will be a tossup which one will trip first...
ck1942's Avatar
imho the power of the "popular" vote in this Presidential election is currently way over-rated. The Electoral vote count is what determines who becomes President.

Right now, many of the swing states (and most of the are way smaller in total voters) looks to be the deciding Electoral College factor.

Even if the vote count in California is 51% Obama, and obviously 49% Romney, ALL of California's 55 electoral votes go to the Obama side.

Here's a non-partisan (I think) to a map with much of the voting almost already predetermined based on current major polls:

Of course, still way many factors yet to be determined in the final voting, and, yes, conceivably many of the congressional districts in California may end up voting GOP (don't bet your lunch on this) which means some of those districts may end up changing the sides in Congress a bit.

Reality - looks like the Florida (29) and N. Carolina (15), Virginia (13) among the southern states and on the northern side Pennsylvania (20), Ohio (18) and Michigan (16) and some scattered other states likely will determine the outcome. Only a couple of states (Maine & Nebraska, I think) allow split Electoral voting.

In the end, of course, even a modest one or two votes might make the final result so both candidates are trolling the so called "battleground" states where there is as yet no apparent winner.

Should we elect a president by popular vote as happens in other countries is not a question we can easily debate, as voters have no choice in this Constitutional matter. Only the several states can demand a Constitutional Congress (or Congress can) to amend the Constitution and I seriously doubt many state legislators (or Members of Congress) have the guts or the spine to even consider such an issue.

My take - imperfect as it may be, 230+ years of our history and experience have yielded very few Amendments and virtually none of those was truly easy. So we will continue to have (and suffer?) many many more decades of Presidential elections.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-09-2012, 01:10 PM
the Republicans a strength at the state and local level that they have not enjoyed since 1928, is a harbinger of what we will see this November. "

Read his whole article here.
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
And we all know wtf happened after 1928, it almost happened in 2008. The Robber Barons are now the Wall Street Bankers.
You make no sense; politics is a reaction to events........and the November election will be about the past 44 months, not 1928 or 2008.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Well, I have already predicted Obama's re-election. And you know my accuracy rating when it comes to predictions.
joe bloe's Avatar
I think Romney will win. The most recent Rasmussen daily tracking poll, of likely voters, has Romney leading Obama 47% to 43%. Obama can't get his approval ratings above the mid forties. Historically approval ratings are usually a mirror image of presidential election outcome. The economy is in terrible shape and not getting any better. The Republicans have a 12% advantage in enthusiasm, which should translate into voter turnout. Romney is raising more money than Obama. Romney will be able to at least match Obama in spending, instead of being outspent by more than three to one, the way McCain was.

There is no reason to think the strong Republican victory in 2010 won't be duplicated in 2012. Bush 41 said that in politics, momentum is everything. In the 1980 Carter- Reagan presidential election, the polls were close going into the last week, but Reagan was gaining support and clearly had momentum. Reagan ultimately won 44 states. Everything points to an energized Republican base; the Chick-fil-A "flash mob", Tea Party favorite, Ted Cruz's 14% victory over (RINO) David Dewhurst and Glenn Beck's hugely successful rally in Dallas are all signs of an energized base.

Obama has to be sweating bullets.
Right on brother Joe; and add to the analysis the fact that most of the pollsters (Rahe calls them psephologists) have no clue how to adjust their polling technique to reflect Tea Party influences.....not to mention many polling consultants are purposely using sampling techniques that skew results to favor Democrats !
joe bloe's Avatar
Right on brother Joe; and add to the analysis the fact that most of the pollsters (Rahe calls them psephologists) have no clue how to adjust their polling technique to reflect Tea Party influences.....not to mention many polling consultants are purposely using sampling techniques that skew results to favor Democrats ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I've mentioned this in a couple of posts; the oversampling of Democrats is getting ridiculous. A recent Pew Research poll drastically oversampled Democrats over Republicans by almost two to one. The strong Democrat turnout in 2008 produced a D+8 voter turnout. Pew Research assumed the Democrat turnout in 2012 would be much higher. Pew assumed a D+19 turnout for Democrats in the upcoming presidential election. That's a fraudulent poll. It makes me wonder why the Democrats are resorting to politically risky tactics, likely clearly rigged polls, if they're not desparate to break Republican momentum.