Romney/Ryan 2012

JakeofTx's Avatar

Announcement tomorrow 9:00am Eastern
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Great. Another proud supporter of the NDAA.
joe bloe's Avatar
I think Ryan is a great choice. He's really articulate on financial matters. It will be fun to watch him debate Joe Biden. Romney supposedly agrees with Ryan's plans to reform entitlement spending. I was actually pulling for Marco Rubio; Ryan was my second choice.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Great alright. Great for the Deomcrats. He'd have been better off picking Sarah Palin. Ryan has a record and he has been very specific, and about half honest about the horrors his economic plan will bring about. Just a dream pick for Democrats. Romney lost the ability to mush mouth about his horrible economic plan.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
We all know how demented the Tushie monster is so just smile and back away slowly.

Seriously, Ryan can articulate what conservative values are and he is not an unknown. He has been fighting the good fight. He can speak rings around Obama and Biden particularly on their Achilles heel, the budget and economy.
I think you meant to type Ryan/Romney in 2012. Romney, the ever-polished public speaker, introduced Ryan as the next PRESIDENT! LMAO!
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 08-11-2012, 02:32 PM
Seriously, Ryan can articulate what conservative values are Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
And if he does a good enough job, Obama's a shoo-in.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-11-2012, 02:39 PM
We all know how demented the Tushie monster is so just smile and back away slowly.

Seriously, Ryan can articulate what conservative values are and he is not an unknown. He has been fighting the good fight. He can speak rings around Obama and Biden particularly on their Achilles heel, the budget and economy. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

yeah, rings around the economy

he can articulate in circles trying to explain how his budget adds billions and billions to the debt picture and the curent economy
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The argument is how much both sides will add to the annual deficit and the debt. For either side to be calling the other a big spender is ridiculous. Neither side has any plans for cutting spending in manner that will make any difference in the long run. We're toast no matter who wins.
Saying "Conservative Values" is kinda like using some of their other catch phrases like "Family Values", "Smaller Government" and "Lower Taxes on the Job Creators" while they have guys like Vitter emulating hobbyists and all of them voting to add costs to abortion counseling by required that pregnant women look at sonograms while some Republican-trained technician plays the guilt card even if the woman is carrying her rapist's baby.

Yes! What Great Values!

I B Hankering's Avatar
Saying "Conservative Values" is kinda like using some of their other catch phrases like "Family Values", "Smaller Government" and "Lower Taxes on the Job Creators" while they have guys like Vitter emulating hobbyists and all of them voting to add costs to abortion counseling by required that pregnant women look at sonograms while some Republican-trained technician plays the guilt card even if the woman is carrying her rapist's baby.

Yes! What Great Values!

Originally Posted by Little Stevie

Yeah, and "Hope and Change" has worked out so well. Odumbo had his turn -- time again for "Change".
Yeah, and "Hope and Change" has worked out so well. Odumbo had his turn -- time again for "Change". Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I call it "HOPE for CHANGE". or 'WORK for CHANGE". or "PRAY for CHANGE".or "VOTE for CHANGE". or "RUN out of MONEY for CHANGE". or "BORN in AMERICA for CHANGE". or "LIKES AMERICA for CHANGE". or " NOT a COMMY, FASCIST,SOCIALIST for CHANGE". or "not a BUNCH of IDIOT CZARS for CHANGE". or " WELFARE recipients NO WORK CHANGE". or " OBAMA cell PHONE FREEBIE CHANGE". or ....."FUCK this all NIGHT LONG for CHANGE"