Several quick observations from the intelligent team at Powerlineblog.com:

Romney Doubles Down On Competence
I admit to some surprise. Presumably Mitt Romney doesn’t think that the Milwaukee suburbs are the key to the White House, or the Eagle Scout demographic will swing the election. So the only explanation is that Romney wants the most competent ticket possible. When was the last time we had a national ticket with this much mathematical skill, or knowledge of finance? Probably never.

So Romney wants to contrast the serious guys who are out to save the country with the buffoonish and dishonest political hacks, Obama and Biden. Well, the contrast is real. But whether the voters will see it that way is another matter. One thing we can be sure of is that Ryan will perform brilliantly on the issues; especially, of course, the budget. Which could be important: Obama’s budgetary fecklessness should be his greatest liability, yet it seems often to be forgotten in more general discussion of the economy. If Ryan helps focus more attention on the budget and the nation’s crushing debt, it will be a plus.

Posted on August 11, 2012 by John Hinderaker in 2012 Presidential Election

It’s Ryan!
I’ve been holding my powder the last couple of days about the VP pick, wondering if it might be true that Romney would pick Paul Ryan. Long time readers will recall that Ryan was, on the merits, my choice as a presidential candidate early last year. News tonight is that Romney will announce tomorrow morning that Ryan is to be his running mate.

It is high risk for everyone, especially Ryan. He’s in a key position in the House. If the ticket loses, Ryan is out of the House. On the other hand, if the ticket loses, he’ll be the front-runner for 2016 (against Hillary??), so I think this is a no-lose situation for Ryan. If Obama is re-elected, things may be desperate by 2016, and Ryan will be the last best hope to rescue things. So this is a choice to cheer all of us. Here’s what I said here about Ryan way back in February of last year in my post “Paul Ryan for President”:

Paul Ryan is the most consequential House Republican since Jack Kemp in the late 1970s, and for the same reason. Okay, I can hear the objections already–what about Newt? Yes, the Contract with America and Newt’s long-term dogged determination that Republicans could take a House majority when almost no one thought it possible deserves accolades. But Kemp and Ryan stand out for advancing serious game-changing ideas and pursuing them the with single-mindedness–in Kemp’s case, supply-side economics, which went against the grain of his own party’s establishment. In Ryan’s case, it is seriousness about restraining the welfare state, before it drags us all under. Kemp and Ryan are hedgehogs (“knowing one big thing”), while Newt is a fox (“knowing many things,” though arguably too many things).

Ryan wants to have an adult conversation with America about the looming insolvency of the welfare state, and he has a serious plan to fix it. Like Kemp, lots of careerists in the GOP will head for the tall grass when the going gets tough, which I predict will begin on Tuesday afternoon, after Ryan lays out his budget proposal in more detail at a speech at my office, the American Enterprise Institute. (I’m going to be on a plane at the time and will have to miss it, but you can watch the webcast.) Ryan gave a preview of his plan yesterday on Fox News Sunday.
Ryan knows he will face rank demagoguery from Democrats over his plan. He is not afraid of this, and in a face-to-face fight he runs circles around every single one of them.

I suspect Ryan is one of the few Republicans Obama genuinely fears; after all, Ryan schooled Obama in Obama’s faux-”health care summit” early last year. (Obama does not look pleased in the video.) David Brooks reports, by the way, that Obama never picks up the phone to try to talk with Ryan.
Ryan is not simply fearless about the issues, he also gets the larger picture, and can talk about the larger picture in a way that Kemp often fell short. Ask Kemp about any other question than taxes, and you’d often hear a rambling answer that tied inner city education problems to the gold standard. That’s why his presidential prospects withered. Ryan, on the other hand, has immense facility to talk about the broader principles of the republic; he’s not just a number-crunching bean counter.

Check out the opening to his speech to CPAC this year:
There are those who say modern society is too complicated for the average man or woman to deal with. This is a long-standing argument, but we heard it more frequently after the mortgage credit collapse and financial meltdown in 2008. They say we need more experts and technocrats making more of our economic decisions for us. And they argue for less “political interference” with the enlightened bureaucrats … by which they mean less objection by the people to the overregulation of society.

If we choose to have a federal government that tries to solve every problem, then as long as society keeps growing more complex, government must keep on growing right along with it. The rule of law by the people must be reduced and the arbitrary discretion of experts expanded. . .

If the average American can’t handle complexity in his or her own life, and only government experts can … then government must direct the average American about how to live his or her life. Freedom becomes a diminishing good.
But there’s a major flaw in this “progressive’” argument, and it’s this. It assumes there must be someone or some few who do have all the knowledge and information. We just have to find, train, and hire them to run the government’s agencies.

Friedrich Hayek called this collectivism’s “fatal conceit.” The idea that a few bureaucrats know what’s best for all of society, or possess more information about human wants and needs than millions of free individuals interacting in a free market is both false and arrogant. It has guided collectivists for two centuries down the road to serfdom — and the road is littered with their wrecked utopias. The plan always fails!
Hmm, who does this remind me of? Of yeah, that guy we call the Gipper, who said this in his first inaugural address:
From time to time, we have been tempted to believe that society has become too complex to be managed by self-rule, that government by an elite group is superior to government for, by, and of the people. But if no one among us is capable of governing himself, then who among us has the capacity to govern someone else?
Of course, Reagan was only channeling Thomas Jefferson, who had said in his first inaugural address: “Sometimes it is said that man can not be trusted with the government of himself. Can he, then, be trusted with the government of others? Or have we found angels in the forms of kings to govern him? Let history answer this question.” Find me a single Democrat who talks like that today. Anywhere.
All of this raises the important question: Should Ryan run for President? Right now everyone is saying the Republican field is “lackluster” or boring. I don’t happen to agree. I’m a fan of both Pawlenty and Daniels. (I’ve seen Pawlenty in person lately and thought he was quite good, and getting better by the day.) But to the extent there is any truth to this, Ryan looks like the one person who could electrify the Republican electorate, appeal to independent voters, and sustain an argument against Obama that would make for a decisive election.
Ryan is young, has young children, and has lots of reasons to wait. But one can’t choose one’s moments in politics. I can imagine a set of circumstances in which his budget proposal gets little traction against White House intransigence, and by the fall the political winds are such that entering the race makes so much sense that he has to do it. And increasingly he looks to me like the single best candidate the Republicans could field next year.

Posted on August 10, 2012 by Steven Hayward in 2012 Presidential Election
Fast Gunn's Avatar
You would have probably applauded Ronald McDonald too if Mitt Romney had selected him to run as VP.

But, yes, Paul Ryan will make a great co-pilot.

. . . However, the only little problem is the ship these two clowns are on is the Titanic!

To All the Obamazombies: Keep thinking you have already won; keep thinking the polling data is accurate; keep believing that Romney is stupid; keep thinking that the American electorate will vote a 2nd term to a president who has 43% approval ratings; keep thinking Americans are dumb enough to re-elect a president who has no accomplishments and run up debt faster than anyother sitting president.

I like my opposition to be overconfident due to dumbness......tick, tick, tick.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
This just shows how full of shit you are WW- the other day you posted of how great a pick it would be if Romney choose Gary Johnson- who is day and night if you compare him to Ryan- now you all of a sudden are ape shit happy that he picked Ryan. Tell me what kind of voters will Ryan bring to Romney???
Hell this VP decision might give Obama Florida since the seniors in that state will remember Ryan as the man who wants to replace Medicare with Vouchers- bad choice!! And this article you copied and paste is from a conservative website what else do you expect them to say????
You are a confused person WE; you aren't capable of comprehending that I thought Johnson would have been a great outside the box pick (I also noted that it wasn't going to happen), but Ryan is as well..............not my first choice, but I have no complaints about the Ryan selection....

You need to tell us why Obama deserves a 2nd term..........what have been his accomplishments?

Why don't you start a thread and let's see how short the list is....
Fast Gunn's Avatar

Do you really expect Whirlawacko to think like, independently with his own brain and everything?

. . . You know he's just Mr. Copy and Paste!

Here is a great video of Ryan schooling Obama on why his ObamacareTax is bad policy............why it will ruin us financially !

Note how Obama looks dumbfounded; he can't follow Ryan's analysis....Obama is a empty suit...the last 3 years have proved that.

Ryan is as good of a choice as Romney could have made, keep in mind, this election is more about getting rid of the current administration than it is electing Mitt Romney.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Here is a great video of Ryan schooling Obama on why his ObamacareTax is bad policy............why it will ruin us financially !

Note how Obama looks dumbfounded; he can't follow Ryan's analysis....Obama is a empty suit...the last 3 years have proved that.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPxMZ1WdINs Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Funny how you didn't post the entire video- I actually watched the summit and Ryan had some misleading facts- in the long run Ryan's overhaul on Medicare was far worst than Obamacare- vouchers for senior citizens are you fucking kidding me??? Even Republicans like Gingrich called it right wing social engineering : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCTM2hzMvrY
I watched the summit as well; you are free to post the entire video....please do.....

Here is the big picture; bigger than your video of the entire summit.........

Americans overwhelmingly are against ObamacareTax, by margins of up to 71%. And it is an entitlement that we can't afford ! More big spending by Obama. We also know that Obama's pledge of "you can keep your doctors" , "this will bend the cost curve", "there won't be rationing", "the government can control costs", were all more lies told to Americans by Obama and the Democrats.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
I watched the summit as well; you are free to post the entire video....please do.....

Here is the big picture; bigger than your video of the entire summit.........

Americans overwhelmingly are against ObamacareTax, by margins of up to 71%. And it is an entitlement that we can't afford ! More big spending by Obama. We also know that Obama's pledge of "you can keep your doctors" , "this will bend the cost curve", "there won't be rationing", "the government can control costs", were all more lies told to Americans by Obama and the Democrats. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
WW I work in the healthcare field -ok I have never said it was the perfect or flawless plan- there are parts that many Americans like- are you going to tell me that most Americans don't like the provision that an Insurance can't drop you because of a pre-existing illness? Or that the bill allows children to stay on their parents plan until they are 26??? There are some very popular parts and some unpopular parts- even Obama said that they should keep the good and take out the bad- makes logical sense.
Where was the Republican plan for Healthcare- can you post a video on their plan- it's been 4 years????
What about the current plan or the plan before Obamacare- ask any CEO or CFO of a major hospital how much money they have lost of people who get admitted with no health insurance- do you know who pays for that??? take a guess taxpayers!!!!
Now I just want to know how do you go from posting a thread that you think Gary Johnson would be the best choice due to his libertarian values and being able to ignite the conservative base- now all of sudden Ryan is the great pick- you sound like a hypocrite.
ryan or biden...you decide

self interested ppl...with a proprietary interest in government largesse, of course they have no use for ryan.
savak's Avatar
  • savak
  • 08-11-2012, 10:25 AM
Ryans great because he makes the intellectual argument for tea party conservatism without any of that social conservative baggage.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You would have probably applauded Ronald McDonald too if Mitt Romney had selected him to run as VP.

But, yes, Paul Ryan will make a great co-pilot.

. . . However, the only little problem is the ship these two clowns are on is the Titanic!

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Well, FastGoon. You are right about that. By the way, who is the current Captain of the Titanic?
ObamacareTax is the same cost shifting of those who don't have the resources to pay on to those who do; ObamacareTax doesn't change that dynamic.....so why do you continue to use that as an arguement to support ObamacareTax ??????

"There are several popular parts" ......yeah, but the rest of the centralized crap is well crap that will both destory quality of services and take decision making away from individual patients...........If it is so great, then why did Obama need to pass it in the dead of night, before it was written, before we understood what was in it, by buying the necessary votes to pass it? It isn't what the American public want, why do you keep promoting/defending it ?

If ObamacareTax is such a wonderful plan that you think Americans want; then I urge Obama to run campgain commercials saying so !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He won't, you know why ??? Because Americans hate ObamacareTax !!!!!!!!!!!!!

WW I work in the healthcare field -ok I have never said it was the perfect or flawless plan- there are parts that many Americans like- are you going to tell me that most Americans don't like the provision that an Insurance can't drop you because of a pre-existing illness? Or that the bill allows children to stay on their parents plan until they are 26??? There are some very popular parts and some unpopular parts- even Obama said that they should keep the good and take out the bad- makes logical sense.
Where was the Republican plan for Healthcare- can you post a video on their plan- it's been 4 years????
What about the current plan or the plan before Obamacare- ask any CEO or CFO of a major hospital how much money they have lost of people who get admitted with no health insurance- do you know who pays for that??? take a guess taxpayers!!!!
Now I just want to know how do you go from posting a thread that you think Gary Johnson would be the best choice due to his libertarian values and being able to ignite the conservative base- now all of sudden Ryan is the great pick- you sound like a hypocrite. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911