Freudian slip or Romney really doesn't want to be candidate?

Fast Gunn's Avatar
Mitt Romney is such a doofus!

He pretty much fucked-up his world tour when he insulted everyone.

Now, he can't even introduce his running mate properly!

. . . Can this clown do anything right besides making balloon animals?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
According to Obama "he didn't do that" either.
joe bloe's Avatar
Mitt Romney is such a doofus!

He pretty much fucked-up his world tour when he insulted everyone.

Now, he can't even introduce his running mate properly!

. . . Can this clown do anything right besides making balloon animals?

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn

How can anyone take you seriously? Romney built an enormously successful company. He turned around the Winter Olympics in Utah. He has an MBA and a law degree from Harvard, and you think he's a clown. If Einstein was still alive, and declared himself to be a conservative Republican, you'd say he was a moron.

I'd be willing to bet that Romney is significantly smarter than you.

Fast Gunn's Avatar
Hey, let's not bring your cousins into this!

You know your lowlife kin folk are going to take your side regardless of what the truth happens to be!

As for Mitt Romney being smarter than I am, well, that depends in what arena of life we're talking about.

If you mean being smarter in sniffing our and buying ailing companies and selling the carcass after firing the people like a scavenger, than I stand guilty as charged!

. . .However, if a scavenger is really the kind of man you want leading this country back into the stone age than that is your problem!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It's a pretty low bar to be smarter than FastGoon, especially after his Obatomy.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I wouldn't be talking about smarts from your fetal position, you old gizzard.

That subject is way above your pay grade.

. . . I mean, if you had a job!

It's a pretty high bar to be smarter than Fast Gunn, especially considering his political savy. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yeah. You're right. It's not very bright of me to expect my candidates to be honest, and to reject them when they aren't. Not very bright of me to worship one candidate over all the others despite being told the facts about his inadequacies. And not very bright of me to try to counter for my lack of facts my always posting in multi-color fonts and italics.

Yeah. You are the example for us all.
Obama has a Harvard Law degree and most of the banksters that crapped on our economy are Ivy League MBAs. A degree does not mean a person is of good character. If you don't know that by now, you've been asleep at the wheel.