Obama..he cut $700 billion in funding.

And Obama roisterer that the cuts were an "achievement."

Guest123018-4's Avatar
Cut 700 billion yet did not cut spending so where did he shift the money to, green businesses?
Uhhhh. Your VP pick? Nutjob.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Uhhhh. Your VP pick? Nutjob. Originally Posted by timpage
see Joe's thread

Smart Democrats Should Be Worried

some nutjob
Black is white, up is down, The sun rises in the west and sets in the east. Republicans these days don't even pretend to be for education, healthcare for the poor and elderly, a social safety net for the old and the poor.

Stupid heartless smirking selfish bastards. You ought to be ashamed of yourselves.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You're right, the Republicans really aren't for all that. Neither are the Democrats. That's where your delusion kicks in. Neither party gives a damn about you, or anyone else except those that will help them obtain or maintain power. Once they have it, they will throw you to the curb.

Wait and see, Timmy. Wait and see.

Truth is treason in the Empire of Lies.
Poor dumb fucker. At least we Democrats have the illusion that we are engaged in an effort to help. While all you and the repukes can do is try to further enrich yourselves at the expense of the poor, the elderly and the downtrodden. Be ashamed shitbird.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'm not ashamed, because you have no idea. You make stuff up to make yourself feel better about yourself. I hope it works.
waverunner234's Avatar
"Ryan, as chairman of the House Budget Committee, has authored a budget proposal that calls for deep cuts in federal spending, including in public education."

Of course there is a reason for Ryan to cut education spending.

To be a real republican, you must be either rich or stupid or both.

So cutting down on education is fully in the line of successfully being republican. Keep the people as stupid as you can.
Don't believe me? Just ask Rick Perry.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Actually, lack of education helps both parties.
Alan418's Avatar
Ryan might bring the ultra right wing in, but he brings a lot of baggage with his past in Congress.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-12-2012, 11:32 PM
The claim that OBAMACARE cuts $700 BILLION from Medicare is TRUE and the GOOD NEWS is that in doing so, it INCREASES HEALTHCARE FOR SENIORS and AT THE SAME TIME cuts fraud, WASTE and abuse. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office determined that the Medicare provisions in President Obama's health care law would save $700 BILLION over a decade and EXTENDS THE LIFE OF MEDICARE. Extends it EIGHT YEARS.

actually its 84 billion over the next 11 years, but whos counting since nobody here counts this lil ditty

The CBO also said that repealing the healthcare law - a move advocated by Republicans - would increase the deficit over the next decade by $109 billion. The law's revenue increases and spending cuts total more than the cost of expanding coverage to the uninsured, the CBO said.