Hooker Hill itaewon

Took the hill last weekend and was actually pleased with the service there. It was kinda weird walking up the hill but once you're there you're there so make it work. I saw something I liked and went for it. Got inside and talked to the girl for a little bit and she was surprisingly fluent in English. She wasn't too pushy and she didn't rush to get to business. She talked for a little bit, then we negotiated a price and the terms. At this point she says we should invite her friend, that was fine with me and we then negotiate the price for her to come. She shows up and she's way hotter than the first, this girl wanted to push drinks and I agreed to pay for the two to have one but no more...I declined anything to drink that they were offering. So they have a drink and start making small talk and then it's time to go. We left the to go to a very nearby house if you would call it that and the second girl says we should invite a third girl, I declined twice until she offered a huge discount so I said why not. The third girl was not as cute as the second but she had the best boobs and body overall. They took care of me and they didn't rush at all. They did their moaning and groaning but it was all show and I'm fine with that. I held back purposely to see how they would react.. they spoke in Hangul and English so I couldnt tell what they were saying but they at least didn't outwardly show that they were annoyed. So I came and got dressed and left. Drinks and three ladies at once for roughly $400 bucks. The hills not so bad, you could probably find a some prettier girls elsewhere but taking the hill is easy, inexpensive and convenient.