tourist asked to turn their backs on Amsterdam brothel

pickupkid's Avatar
pyramider's Avatar
What the fuck? The Dutch have promoted the Red Light District for decades now this?
As a guy who has been to Amsterdam this article seems a little off.

visitors will no longer be allowed to take pictures.
As far as I know, you were never allowed to take pictures. I've actually heard of some horror stories of guys who tried to take pictures.

Also, it seems like this article isn't about brothels, but rather the famous Red Light District, where the girls are behind the windows.
Guest082318's Avatar
The only enforcement of this will be the fines to the tour guides bringing in busloads of people. Imagine if a school bus of 4th graders went to fancy furniture store on a field trip. The kids would run around and get in the way of the paying shoppers.

These poor girls don't know who to make pouty face winks at or who to flip off. I think they are just trying to protect the industry. I saw my first professional lady in Amsterdam btw.