control of the internet-china,turkey and the democrats

china wants to control bloggers and information and they are doing a pretty good job of it

its got to be communist appropriate

of course our great ally and NATO member extraordinaire Turkey does likewise to anyone telling the truth

freedom house has studied this and finds the trajectory of government control of the internet especially alarming

and in the good ole united states the democrats are of a like mind

dianne feinstein and dick durbin and chuckie schumer attack free expression and want to limit and control who can be a "journalist"

Obama has his own plans:

He wants to control the percentage of "journalists" not already under his control

of course obama's right hand man van jones couldn't keep his mouth shut and had to be let go but as he said "we are coming for the media and thats not all"

all of this and the fairness doctrine as well

are there any classical liberals out there?

the philosophy committed to the ideal of limited government, liberty of individuals, freedoms of religion (not freedom of worship), speech, the press, assembly and free markets?

modern liberalism is the force of another's power over us, not too far removed in its ideas from communism or in practice from submission (islam)
Remember, he is invulnerable. The sorry POS could start wiping his ass with copies of the 1st Amendment, and most of the liberal/ progressives would simply look the other way.

Including many who are on this Forum on a regular basis.

Wait until they start using terms like....."the 1st Amendment only protects legitimate journalist".

If President Obama does it, then how can it be wrong? After all, he reads a TelePrompter SO well.
I don't know why anyone would use a prompter when they can write on their hands.

china wants to control bloggers and information and they are doing a pretty good job of it

its got to be communist appropriate

of course our great ally and NATO member extraordinaire Turkey does likewise to anyone telling the truth

freedom house has studied this and finds the trajectory of government control of the internet especially alarming

and in the good ole united states the democrats are of a like mind

dianne feinstein and dick durbin and chuckie schumer attack free expression and want to limit and control who can be a "journalist"

Obama has his own plans:

He wants to control the percentage of "journalists" not already under his control

of course obama's right hand man van jones couldn't keep his mouth shut and had to be let go but as he said "we are coming for the media and thats not all"

all of this and the fairness doctrine as well

are there any classical liberals out there?

the philosophy committed to the ideal of limited government, liberty of individuals, freedoms of religion (not freedom of worship), speech, the press, assembly and free markets?

modern liberalism is the force of another's power over us, not too far removed in its ideas from communism or in practice from submission (islam) Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

"Classical liberalism" is the term used to designate the ideology advocating private property, an unhampered market economy, the rule of law, constitutional guarantees of freedom of religion and of the press, and international peace based on free trade... Count me in...

The Agenda21 Big Government toadies with their Musbama King probably will not like your links. They won't even read them.

Thanks ngiat, nice work!

I don't know why anyone would use a prompter when they can write on their hands. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
OK, that's funny right there, I don't care who you are.
This didn't get much play before but here it is again

Obama really is destructive

Read the first if not the second or third or fourth

Of course the Obama media has it on ignore
Congress doesn't have a say in this? The FCC just passes it? FUCKING OZOMBIES!
Mark Levin and Ajit Pai discuss Odummer & Dhimmicrats on Net Nuetrality. (Taxation without Representation)

Where the heck is the ACLU. And all if the other protectors of individule freedoms.

There is only one reason for a Government to fear total and free access to the Internet. Lack of control over the population's ability to FREELY share information and knowledge.

Typical of how those that make a living kissing President Obama's ass came from Andrea Mitchell. "We should have a way to protect the population from ideas that are harmful to the general public and are not part of the legitimate journalistic community"........Really?
Lack of control over the population's ability to FREELY share information and knowledge.
Originally Posted by Jackie S
liberalism fails without ever increasing laws and controls and limits on behaviours
Historically, the FCC has maintained a sensible independence from political pressure. But not under this president, aided by his FCC appointments.

How many destructive policies of Obama can the country withstand (economic, internet, national security, foreign, immigration, spending, etc)?

We drift closer and closer to totalitarianism with each of their (Team Obama) pronouncements.

I blame Congress (partly) for delegating too much power to the Executive branch; over decades Congress has all but surrendered their most potent tools - the power of the purse being number 1.
This is an excellent interview of one of the members of the FCC (there are 5 commissioners) who are charging ahead with implementing the Obama internet controls. Historically the FCC has been circumspect; but not under this president.

It is worth listening to if you want a primer on what Obama is doing.

It is important to keep in mind that not too long ago (before the mid term election), the FCC (Obama appointees) abandoned the internet restructuring proposals. They backed off after political blowback and fear of election losses. But now they are free to move ahead, at the direction of the White House - our imperial president unleashed.

Mark Levin and Ajit Pai discuss Odummer & Dhimmicrats on Net Neutrality. (Taxation without Representation)

. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
This all goes back to what happens when the very guardians of our Republic, a free Press, as guaranteed in the Bill of Rights, sells out to one major Political Party and it's philosophy.

The morons do not realize that the scheming Demagogue that currently is in power can be replaced by another scheming Demagogue of another view.

And what is more amazing is that seemingly intelligent people have fallen under the spell of this current Demagogue to the extent that he could wipe his ass with The Bill Of Rights and they look the other way.

Many of these people frequent this very Forum.

This has already surpassed the 1990's when every major news organization was so anamored with Bill Clinton that there was absolutly NOTHING he could do to offend them. Remember Old Elanore Cliff.and her ilk. The only thing they saw wrong with Clinton getting a blow job in the Oval Office was SHE wasn't the one giving it.