The Damning Revelations About David Chipman Just Keep Coming

  • oeb11
  • 08-09-2021, 06:43 PM

The reasons to vote against David Chipman, President Joe Biden's nominee to lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) abound. Yet the White House still stands by this particularly controversial pick.
On Friday, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) released a video summary on Twitter to remind people of what they'd be getting with Chipman in charge of the ATF.
Voters cannot be reminded enough of what Chipman thinks of first-time gun owners, equating them to Netflix's "Tiger King."
It's bad enough that Chipman doesn't know enough about firearms where he has such a bizarre definition of an assault rifle. It means he wants to ban a wide-range of weapons.
The video clip even showed him at odds with former MSNBC host, Chris Matthews, that the use of "shooting guns" for Secret Service agents "is not necessary."
There are also revelations that Chipman allegedly made racist remarks, specifically to do with his surprise about ATF agents being promoted, with suggestions that they must have cheated. Such allegations are said to be what ended his time in Detroit, and not on the best of terms, or with the best reputation.
Some of the newest allegations, and particularly disturbing ones which are mentioned in the video clip, have to do with Chipman appearing on Chinese State TV networks.
Sen. Cruz also tweeted an article from The Federalist's Jordan Davidson who reported that "Biden’s ATF Nominee Talked Guns On A Chinese Propaganda Network And Failed To Tell The Senate."
In 2012, Chipman appeared on China Global Television Network to discuss the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting, where he warned that there would be more shootings "unless we do something about it."

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Sure enough, considering this is the CCP, Chipman's interview was used as propaganda to distract from "a mass stabbing of 23 children at a school in China’s Henan Province."
The YouTube video clips even warns viewers that "CGTN is funded in whole or in part by the Chinese government."

And yet, astonishingly, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Dick Durbin (D-IL) has denied a request for another hearing.

Chpman fits the DPST marxist model - loves Comrade Xi - and wants to disarm America so it becomes vassal to china.
fits right in with the DPST clowns.

If this clown tries to confiscate legal weapons from law-abiding Americans - the DPSTs can kiss their ass goodbye!
pfunkdenver's Avatar
Chpman fits the DPST marxist model - loves Comrade Xi - and wants to disarm America so it becomes vassal to china.
fits right in with the DPST clowns. Originally Posted by oeb11
I'm pretty sure you totally made this up. How would you know if he "loves" comrade xi?
  • oeb11
  • 08-10-2021, 05:57 AM
Thank u = pfd
Chipman - a racist nut job who kowtows t chairman Xi, , and just knows he is uniquely qualified in all teh world to decide that americans may not possess weapons.

typical DPST 'karen' and acts it - out of control slobbering on his hearing desk.

rexdutchman's Avatar
Denial all they got , Reason the media don't ask questions
Mask up and hush. We still dealing with The Trump Cold that will just disappear
  • oeb11
  • 08-10-2021, 08:03 AM
Those who choose - in consultation with their physician - get the vaccine.

O/W - masks are a futile medical exercise - and a sign of obedience to the DPST marxist idiotology

Nothing More!

Topic is teh BATFE nominee idiot - david chipman.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
chipman, what of piece of work, er, shit.

- appeared on china tv and didn't tell anyone about it.
- nasty towards black agents
- has connection to the waco atf fiasco
- was involved in fast & furious gun scandal
- anti-gun nut job
rexdutchman's Avatar
Puddens and crew ARE NOT interested in anyone safety just control