Medicaid and Medicare: The Medical Equivalent of School Choice

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Medicare and Medicaid are essentially a form of a voucher to get you admission to the hospital of your choice. I think that to be consistent, liberals should demand they be eliminated and medical consumers be forced to go to the local, free public hospital run by powerful unions and no mercy be shown to any poor bastard unfortunate enough to live near a shitty hospital. If they desire to go to a better hospital in a different neighborhood, they should be ashamed of themselves for wanting to destroy the public hospital system.
That is what they demand for schoolchildren, after all. They have to go to the local school with no choice in the matter, the poor little kids who are the future, no less..
You should concern yourself with long term care other than hospitals.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Medicare and Medicaid are essentially a form of a voucher to get you admission to the hospital of your choice. I think that to be consistent, liberals should demand they be eliminated and medical consumers be forced to go to the local, free public hospital run by powerful unions and no mercy be shown to any poor bastard unfortunate enough to live near a shitty hospital. If they desire to go to a better hospital in a different neighborhood, they should be ashamed of themselves for wanting to destroy the public hospital system.
That is what they demand for schoolchildren, after all. They have to go to the local school with no choice in the matter, the poor little kids who are the future, no less.. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Excellent point.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 03-10-2013, 09:29 PM
That is what they demand for schoolchildren, after all. They have to go to the local school with no choice in the matter, the poor little kids who are the future, no less.. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
No, they can go to any private school that will take them for free or that they can afford.

So you are telling a lie.

All school vouchers are doing is taking the cream of the crop out of public schools. If you want private schools to teach, let them in fact teach the hardest to teach. Give school vouchers to the bottom third of school children. See how that works out.
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  • 03-10-2013, 09:35 PM
Excellent point. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
On the top of your head...
What the fuck qualifies you to say shit about where or how poor people should get medical care Mr. Highland Park? Fuck you.

Medicare and Medicaid are essentially a form of a voucher to get you admission to the hospital of your choice. I think that to be consistent, liberals should demand they be eliminated and medical consumers be forced to go to the local, free public hospital run by powerful unions and no mercy be shown to any poor bastard unfortunate enough to live near a shitty hospital. If they desire to go to a better hospital in a different neighborhood, they should be ashamed of themselves for wanting to destroy the public hospital system.
That is what they demand for schoolchildren, after all. They have to go to the local school with no choice in the matter, the poor little kids who are the future, no less.. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Yssup Rider's Avatar
What the fuck qualifies you to say shit about where or how poor people should get medical care Mr. Highland Park? Fuck you. Originally Posted by timpage
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
What the fuck qualifies you to say shit about where or how poor people should get medical care Mr. Highland Park? Fuck you. Originally Posted by timpage
The argument is too much for you, isn't it? So you attack me because you cannot refute it. Check mate.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
No, they can go to any private school that will take them for free or that they can afford.

So you are telling a lie.

All school vouchers are doing is taking the cream of the crop out of public schools. If you want private schools to teach, let them in fact teach the hardest to teach. Give school vouchers to the bottom third of school children. See how that works out. Originally Posted by WTF
If they can't go to a private school or go free to a public school, then where do they have to go if we don't have vouchers?
To the local public school - so how am I telling a lie?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
WPF lives in a fantasy world, far removed from reality. He read a book once, and now he is the expert on everything, even though he didn't understand it. He tries to sound smart by cutting and pasting from Wiki, and pretending they're his own words. Ignore him.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Unconstitutional malarkey!

I thought you LOVED the Constitution, Whiny! apparently the Feral judges who have thrown out vouchers hate America as much as MOST Americans do!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
How are vouchers unconstitutional, Assup? If you want to get technical, federal interference in education is unconstitutional. Abolish the Department of Education, and let the states decide what to do, or the communities, or (gasp!) allow the people to decide for themselves!

Education is purely a state and local issue. The federal government, including the courts, really have no say in the issue, according to the Constitution.
WTF's Avatar
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  • 03-11-2013, 08:55 AM
If they can't go to a private school or go free to a public school, then where do they have to go if we don't have vouchers?
To the local public school - so how am I telling a lie? Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
The ER is the free public school of healthcare. Not sure what planet you've been living on.

WPF lives in a fantasy world, far removed from reality. He read a book once, and now he is the expert on everything, even though he didn't understand it. He tries to sound smart by cutting and pasting from Wiki, and pretending they're his own words. Ignore him. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Run along to the other side of the bar, real men are having a drink on this side.
Iaintliein's Avatar
And like education, absolutely NONE of the federal government's business, zero Constitutional authority unless interstate commerce is twisted beyond recognition and the phrase "common welfare" misread as a power granted to DC.
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  • 03-11-2013, 10:20 AM
Every phrase is twisted by groups to do as they deem moral and just. That includes you too Iaintlien.