Where are the calls of Chicken Little???

JD Barleycorn's Avatar



Less than one week after his inauguration Obama was campaiging against the sequester. The sequester that was his idea, his White House agreed to it without tax increases. Now he wants tax increases which demonstrates that Obama is a mucho grande liar and pendejo. His strategy is too act like Chicken Little; the sky is falling, the sky is falling, the sequester is coming, the sequester is coming! He is what he is (which isn't much) but I am so surprised at the boo birds here. You can't wait to accuse someone of being a Chicken Little even when they are proven right and have a record of being proven right. So where are the disparaging comments boo birds?

Randy4Candy's Avatar
I guess we all thought that last month when the sky fell previously (in your minds) it killed all of you stupid cocksuckers. Well, cockroaches may be more appropriate since it looks like you all survived.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar

Something like this?

Still you missed an opportunity. Two reasons; you are either totally in the tank for Obama or you're slowing down.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Weak, too little, too late Iranian grade photoshopping strikes again. I swear, you and pvt onestone really need to take a class.
I like the term "The Barackolypse."
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Let me see if the republicans do not cave.....iffy at best.....then the sequester hits and we reduce the INCREASE in spending by a few billion dollars. That makes me ask why there will be all of these bad things happening just because we are not going to INCREASE spending. We will still spend more than the year before but just not as much as we, or I should say, the government wanted.

It seems to me the only one panicking is Obama and he is lying his ass off to the ignorant that will believe his schitck.

How long will the media remain in his pocket while the only transparency in this administration is in the lies.