What's that old saying?

Don't go away mad.... just go away.....

Andrew Cuomo Lashes Out in Final Days as Governor During Hurricane Henri Briefing

he just can't help himself... he absolutely believes the bullshit that escapes his mouth.....

Cuomo told New York magazine August 13 that he would have won any impeachment process following the report, but he said he did not want to "drag the state through the mud, through a three-month, four-month impeachment, and then win, and have made the State Legislature and the state government look like a ship of fools."
All they had to do was ask Andy Boy about his friend, Jerry. And the bus...
The culture Cuomo helped to create ensared him because he failed in the covid leadership agenda
He failed at MORE than that.....
Don't like Cuomo and he had to go but always be very careful what you wish for. Strong blue state. So what's next? Does anyone really know anything about the Lt. Governor? Is she strong enough or want to hold off the extreme left? Also be very careful. Recent Dem polling shows AOC only trailing the incoming Governor by a few percentage points in the Democratic Primary.

That happens you mind as well flush this state right down the shitter.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Don't like Cuomo and he had to go but always be very careful what you wish for. Strong blue state. So what's next? Does anyone really know anything about the Lt. Governor? Is she strong enough or want to hold off the extreme left? Also be very careful. Recent Dem polling shows AOC only trailing the incoming Governor by a few percentage points in the Democratic Primary.

That happens you mind as well flush this state right down the shitter. Originally Posted by tbear4u77
its not on the way to sewage treatment plant already ????
its not on the way to sewage treatment plant already ???? Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Good point!