What I Expect From A Provider

This is an interesting hobby, to say the least. Because of its nature relative to the laws of most states and the way it is viewed by society in general, we communicate in codes and suggestions. That tends to make clarity of communications next to impossible.

So it is the nature of things that provider ads will be suggestive but not specific, and that "service levels" and "menu items" will not be mentioned in detail, nor discussed over the phone or even in emails or texts. And it is no great surprise that what the hobbyist expects and what the provider is willing to provide do not always match up.

In one of my first reviews, posted recently, I stated dissatisfaction with a provider because of the level of service offered and because the session was rushed. One of these is pardonable, the other is not.

It has been hinted at - not stated outright, but suggested - that I was rude, pushy, aggressive. There were only two people in the room, so no amount of arguing will ever clear up the difference in our statements. I will state for the record that I was none of the above, that I was patient and polite throughout. She asked how I would like to finish, I said "inside you" and she replied "I don't do that." A pardonable gap between our expectation levels. That does not make her a bad provider, it was simply a misunderstanding. I should have been clearer about my expectations when I entered the room. But to donate for an hour of one's company and conversation and be told it is time to finish because "I am tired" at the end of half that time does not seem OK. My word vs. hers, judge for yourselves.

More recently I met with a provider with whom I was so delighted that it curls my toes and makes me hard just thinking about her. What was the difference? Partly menu offerings, but there was more than that. She made me feel special, from the moment I arrived until the moment I walked out the door. I treated her like a queen and a friend and we got along great. I had experienced one session with a visiting provider like that a few months earlier and had thought it must be a fluke. But apparently there are providers out there who understand this.

As far as the other provider is concerned, I wish her no ill will. And I fully agree with her suggestion to let the reviews speak for themselves. If she gets a bunch of positive reviews and members are happy with her menu, then give her a call. She will get a ton of business and be successful and my old review will be long forgotten and everyone will be happy. All's well that ends well.

My only suggestions are that she be honest and that she provide excellent service, and she will certainly do well. She might benefit from communicating with providers who get lots of positive reviews here and ask, "How do you do it?" For my part, I will refrain from negative comments and hope that she succeeds in her endeavors.
Thanks for ur post...i am a new provider and I love to here the positive and negative from hobbiest...this was very helpful to me...thanks again
daredevil321's Avatar
Well after reading your post I thought to myself who could that be that made you feel special from beginning to end. My first guess was right on the button when I looked at your reviews.
Sweety, never once did I imply that you were rude or aggressive. Like you said, we had some miscommunication. I also have no ill will towards you, I would just like every gentleman on this site to know that just because you were not satisfied, does not mean that they won't be. Have a good rest of your night sweety, and enjoy your holidays. I am happy that you found a provider you mesh well with!
Now to find out about all those bruises!