TS Girls and Safety

If one was looking to explore new options with TS Girls, are there any extra steps needed to be safe (STD/HIV) over a normal girl? If you give/receive BJ, should it be covered? Not experienced any of this yet, but am curious...
if youre sexually active youre exposed to herpes/hpv condom or not

theres no difference between GG and TG
if you engage in anal use silicone lube
if you engage in anal use silicone lube Originally Posted by misterjay
Are you saying that silicone lube kills HIV?
No , but I gotta think taking it in the ass dry has got to hurt like hell!

......not that there's anything wrong with that........
Zoey Zacquery's Avatar
No, not really. Don't brush your teeth before you give a blowjob as this can cause micro-tears in your gums which are an entry point into the bloodstream. Even if you swallow cum you wouldn't be able to contract HIV from it even if someone has it, unless you have cuts or sores in your mouth or a stomach ulcer or something. Swallowing is actually safer than spitting because the cum doesn't have to contact your gums, which are the most likely part of your mouth to have micro-tears. And stomach acid will denature everything and kill it, so just because it's inside your body doesn't mean it has access to your bloodstream. But also, vaginal fluid also can contain HIV so that thing about not brushing your teeth before a session is a good rule for pussy eating too. You never really know if someone is positive or not so best to just have good safety practices in general. That's my rule of thumb anyway!

Some people think transgender women are more likely to have HIV but this is a false idea based on societal stigma, much like the idea that sex workers are more likely to have HIV, also false. It's true that trans women are disproportionately subject to violence (statistically) and sometimes have trouble accessing preventative resources due to social stigma, but if you are seeing a reputable and/or professional lady who is running her own business, she probably has her health and safety as a priority just like most of us cisgender (non-trans) ladies do. There are exceptions to that on both sides, of course.

Be sure to have the lady use a condom if you get fucked. Silicone lube is a great recommendation. Silicone lube does not kill HIV but a well-lubricated experience is less likely to irritate your rectum, which would leave you more vulnerable to contracting something from micro-tears (which expose your bloodstream). But if you're using a condom, that wouldn't be an issue anyway. But condoms are also extra friction-y when you're getting fucked, so don't tempt yourself to bareback by forgetting to bring some nice lube.

Female condoms also work great for receiving anal sex. Just be sure to take the ring out (which is meant to line up with the cervix) if you're using it anally. And use lube on both the inside and outside of the condom. More lube on the inside than the outside.

And remember, transgender women ARE normal women. They're just not cisgender. Respect them by not referring to them as "abnormal"!

And have fun!!!
If one was looking to explore new options with TS Girls, are there any extra steps needed to be safe (STD/HIV) over a normal girl? If you give/receive BJ, should it be covered? Not experienced any of this yet, but am curious... Originally Posted by YouTellMe
I have 60 plus GG (genetic girl) reviews under a different pseudonym and have probably seen a total of 35 or more ts ladies. In my experience, the Ts ladies are more "sexual hygiene" conscious than the GG's. Most will not perform bbbj on the guys ... most. I'm not saying it doesn't happen but most will not. A number will not allow you to perform BBBJ's on them.

I done my share of BBBJ's on the Ts ladies and I have dined at the Y of many GG's, but have had but a few of the TS ladies give me bbbj and only two that I recall allowed me to CIM compared to numerous GG's who liked giving bbbj's and receiving CIM.
And remember, transgender women ARE normal women. They're just not cisgender. Respect them by not referring to them as "abnormal"! Originally Posted by spicyzoey
I agree with MOST of that. Yes, they are women, but they have residual tendencies. Usually, there is a male minded slant to their preferences. For example: men and trannies are more easily aroused and stimulated visually while women can more easily look past that and still have a good time.

If you are old, overweight, or poorly dressed, you are probably not going to have a good experience. To have fun with a tranny, you need to lose weight, get in shape and bring your "A" game.
exoticdanceweardealer's Avatar
Cisgender ugh pc crap... That said yeah it should be just as safe as any other girl not discounting anal mucus which poses the highest risk for non-receptive transmission.
If you are old, overweight, or poorly dressed, you are probably not going to have a good experience. To have fun with a tranny, you need to lose weight, get in shape and bring your "A" game. Originally Posted by bengay
Damn, I am completely out of luck then.
...To have fun with a tranny, you need to lose weight, get in shape and bring your "A" game. Originally Posted by bengay
Or alternately, a large wad of cash will often make you more attractive, lol! Just kidding, but cash does seem to make many things more attractive, across the board ...
Zoey Zacquery's Avatar
Bengay, sorry but that's just not true. That's a story you're telling yourself. There's no such thing as being "male-minded". If anything, trans women know that they are transgender because their minds/hearts/spirits align with womanhood even though they are assigned the gender of male at birth based on their external appearance.

I know tons of women who are more visually stimulated than many men that I know, and tons of men who care more about sexual chemistry and interpersonal compatibility than physical looks. You're just basing your opinion on false and broadly-painted stereotypes, which is quite frankly boring, limiting, and incorrect.

"Trannies" is a very offensive term so you obviously don't respect trans women and therefore it does not surprise me that you do not understand them.