A friendly remimnder

Hey guys I am sure this has been said many times before from other providers but I just wanted to say it from me also.
I'm assuming most of you that are looking to see me are going to see this since they are able to see reviews from 2 yrs ago.
2 years ago I had to run review specials to get some business since I was new to eccie and had no reviews. Now that I am an established provider and no longer need reviews and would like to weed out the disrespectful guys and all the bs I have raised my rates and they are still very reasonable.
So please guys do not look at ancient reviews to decide what you want to pay, please do not whine about what another guy paid or what he wrote happened its very unattractive and a turn off.
Not every review is 100 percent accurate some guys fib a little to make them seem cooler or with more stamina.
I take the time to post rates in every ad that I run on regular basis for every city that I am in, all ads are 100 percent accurate being that I posted them myself.
Thank you for reading
kSoze's Avatar
  • kSoze
  • 03-01-2013, 01:25 PM
Congratulations!!! Raising your rates will def give you a different level of clientele.
I didn't just raise them, they have been this way a while now
A little curious why 300 is rate . Austin is 250 , SA is what 300 ? Should maybe update the showcase .
I usually always ask the gent... how long, what type of date and try to re state the donation for the time during correspondence. It does baffle me when a guy asks, "you avail? what's your rates?" When they are usually linked in the sig. line or in the showcase that's linked in the sig. line!

But...if ya not sure ASK don't assume prior to the date! That's not playing fair I'd say the above mentioned, haggling and not washing nether regions have got to be my pet peeves. Other than that, "no worries" is my usual motto when stuff comes up.
In all of my ads its the same rates as in Austin and in San Antonio I even copied and pasted.
Dallas is 300hr because it's different in Dallas, I understand ladies charge less in smaller cities and if I go any lower than what my rates are I would end up having to turn away even more guys.
The rates I put in ads work well for me and the only problem I have is that if I choose to see one client and turn another away it sucks when the one I chose shorts me by a lot when the other client I could have chosen would have shown up with appropriate donation.
Thanks for the advice scarlett
LordBeaverbrook's Avatar
I usually always ask the gent... how long, what type of date and try to re state the donation for the time during correspondence. It does baffle me when a guy asks, "you avail? what's your rates?" When they are usually linked in the sig. line or in the showcase that's linked in the sig. line!

But...if ya not sure ASK don't assume prior to the date! That's not playing fair I'd say the above mentioned, haggling and not washing nether regions have got to be my pet peeves. Other than that, "no worries" is my usual motto when stuff comes up. Originally Posted by Scarlett Rossi
Well SR, lots of ladies don't document that consistently between their showcase, sig and site so it is often tough to tell and other times the rates are not all that clear. Many ladies also have notices that they will hang up if rates or services are discussed. It seems some also like to game it a bit to see how much they can push it seemingly dependent on rent, bills or other unknown factors. Finally (and this is why I chose to respond other than I think you are cool), it seems to me that many of the ladies have very little understanding of pricing and economics (though some seem to have an excellent grasp) because it should be obvious that if pricing is done smartly, it can help you get enough volume to actually make a living (if that is your goal) but also can be tailored (with menu and marketing) to attract the type of clients the lady desires and make some of them regulars. I don't see a great deal of smart pricing, though it is more prevalent here than on someplace like BP. Maybe someone should start a thread on pricing (perhaps there are those in the Power Room). That might be interesting.

Dealing with someone like you is a pleasure because you have great TCB through practice or just being sharp (or both), but I'd say 80% of the providers out there don't understand the importance of consistency and clarity in business (and this is a business of course). So you see it often isn't easy for us guys either (and there may be more guys trying to game things than ladies. I confess I'm a sucker for specials and good deals). Of course emotions and hormones get all caught up in a genitalia based business as well and sometimes tend to override cold and calculated business logic, but me thinks most of the teeny and twenty somethings that get into this biz don't have much "cold and calculating business logic" though they can be cold and calculating at time (I try to avoid those).
Hey guys I am sure this has been said many times before from other providers but I just wanted to say it from me also.
I'm assuming most of you that are looking to see me are going to see this since they are able to see reviews from 2 yrs ago.
2 years ago I had to run review specials to get some business since I was new to eccie and had no reviews. Now that I am an established provider and no longer need reviews and would like to weed out the disrespectful guys and all the bs I have raised my rates and they are still very reasonable.
So please guys do not look at ancient reviews to decide what you want to pay, please do not whine about what another guy paid or what he wrote happened its very unattractive and a turn off.
Not every review is 100 percent accurate some guys fib a little to make them seem cooler or with more stamina.
I take the time to post rates in every ad that I run on regular basis for every city that I am in, all ads are 100 percent accurate being that I posted them myself.
Thank you for reading
Originally Posted by Cassie Blossom;1052429655

OH MY!!!!!



Just Happened To Me THIS Week!!!!!!

Except My Lower Rates Are From Coming

Back Into The Hobby From Hiatus, BUT



OH MY!!!!!



Just Happened To Me THIS Week!!!!!!

Except My Lower Rates Are From Coming

Back Into The Hobby From Hiatus, BUT



Originally Posted by Austintatious Lilly
And how many times are specials added to ads but not showcases ? How difficult is it to keep the showcase current ? Takes what 30 seconds ? Case in point OP , why not have Austin and SA in showcase ? You want less confusion ? Right ?
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 03-02-2013, 07:11 AM
The first review I see for you is stated @250. That would be what I would expect to pay.

While providers like yourself "weed out" customers, it of course works the other way as well. I personally have a range of amount where you don't even get a look from me unless you ARE Anne Hathaway, & even she & I would still need to discuss the value vs $ prop.

In a tough market, somehow providers don't get sufficient business (although if you ask everyone of them, they will state they have more than they can handle), providers tend to RAISE their rates thinking that will bridge the gap. But often, it just closes the door to the next guy-like me-who lets economics as well as his hard on dictate the transaction

Fact is, some of the absolute BEST times I have had are with a UTR for 100 a half. And I see her consistently cause she always delivers & its not the rate so much anymore as its having a reunion, some good convo, and mind blowing sex. I also see a couple in the upper pricing tier who over time have become an ediction I can't seem to shake. But its more of a treat every now and then and not a staple of my hobby diet. Kinda like Okra ya know? Once in a while it just sounds perfect, but most often you go with Corn...you like corn...its satisfying, comfortable, gives you a nice taste rush & provide all the sexual nutrients a body desires.

OP my statements aren't directed at you, but merely at the hard line mindset you are trying to invoke. And yes...I know...you have more customers that you can handle at any rate...thats a given. At 300 you might be the worlds greatest bargain...but for me, you are a non-consideration even though you've got a unique look, good reviews, & what seems like a nice personality. Making a standard statement which in effect is geared towards all hobbiests telling them "don't try to bargain with me" is more of a turn off than turn on...IMO...haggling is part of the business. Do it sweetly, and my guess is you win more regulars than turn them off.

Toyz~working tirelessly to help keep down the soaring price of good pussy...
fun2come's Avatar
+1 Toyz.
Just like with cars there are budget ones that get you there, and some will break down while others will get FUN-tastic mileage,

and then there are expensive ones that will also get you there and some will break down, but most you cannot drive for many miles due to budget reasons.
newbieguy's Avatar
I agree with some of the comments of others in that:

- I ask the lady for her current rates because often they do not match what is listed in the showcase.
- Sometimes I ask about fetishes and the lady may offer them but they may or may not require an additional donation.
- The last thing I want to happen is some confusion before or after the meeting about the expected donation.
- I don't trust past reviews. There may have been circumstances that lead to the donation at that time.

I totally respect the OP's position on having raised her rates in the past. I have met her before and she's very sweet, cute and fun. Unfortunately, like other posters, I just have a cap on what I can donate to the hobby, thus I would not be able to meet the OP again at the requested donation. Everyone is entitled to what they feel they deserve, but make no mistake that clarifying donations can prevent alot of uncomfortable situations and not all providers maintain their method of communicating donations as consistently as others.
  • OFF
  • 03-03-2013, 03:46 PM
I take the time to post rates in every ad that I run on regular basis for every city that I am in ... Originally Posted by Cassie Blossom
OH MY!!!!! +1 SORRY FELLAS BUT SHE IS RIGHT!!!!!!!! Just Happened To Me THIS Week!!!!!! Except My Lower Rates Are From Coming Back Into The Hobby From Hiatus, BUT
Originally Posted by Austintatious Lilly
I usually don't pay attention to a Lady's ads or showcase when deciding to see her. But rather, I concentrate on her reviews.
That said, I do make certain I know what the required donation is before I arrive at her door.
I have had trouble recently with a couple going on reviews and seeing that some one hit me on a day I had a special and just assumed that was my donation and I have to have them come back to bring rest of donation. Sorry but us providers work hard and dont want to be shorted, most people think this is easy but on a day where I have been busy I dont know about the rest of the females but I am more worn out and tired and sleep better then if I was working a 9-5. Its a hassle to deal with, thats why I TRY to make sure donation is established before they even get here, my fault I have been slacking lately but still annoying. love the thread, and it makes perfect sense.