Democrat vs. Libertarian

Comparison is here:

I have to say I do agree with some of the libertarian beliefs; however, I believe taxation is necessary in order to provide safety nets that Americans have paid into. What we need to crack down on is illegal immigrants abusing welfare by having children born here. Once a child is born here, they can collect welfare for their children. Four children in California is a lot, from what I have heard. A lot of times, they work under the table for cash, while receiving welfare. Have the Catholic Church or Vatican pay for these children. They certainly have the funds!

There is a lot of welfare fraud that needs to be eliminated. However, I do not think charities would take care of necessary safety nets alone. And, I, personally, would prefer the security of the government safety nets. The wars are adding a huge deficit to our economy also. Cut out welfare fraud and stop the wars. Have the super rich pay their fair share of taxes. I imagine the deficit would almost completely be eliminated over time.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Comparison is here:

I have to say I do agree with some of the libertarian beliefs; however, I believe taxation is necessary in order to provide safety nets (where are safety nets in the Constitution) that Americans have paid into (couldn't this be done more efficiently privately) . What we need to crack down on is illegal immigrants abusing welfare by having children born here (are you suggesting stopping them at the border or changing out Constitution). Once a child is born here, they can collect welfare for their children. Four children in California is a lot, from what I have heard. A lot of times, they work under the table for cash, while receiving welfare. Have the Catholic Church or Vatican pay for these children (this sounds like some form or bigotry). They certainly have the funds!

There is a lot of welfare fraud that needs to be eliminated (why not just eliminate the welfare payment as we know it). However, I do not think charities would take care of necessary safety nets alone. And, I, personally, would prefer the security of the government safety nets (which are rife with fraud and used for political purposes). The wars are adding a huge deficit to our economy also (they are adding to the DEBT and everything not paid for adds to the DEBT, the wars are a very small piece of that debt. Obama's stimulus added as much debt as the wars). Cut out welfare fraud and stop the wars. Have the super rich pay their fair share (the words of a progressive and not a libertarian) of taxes. I imagine the deficit would almost completely be eliminated over time. (Once again, the deficit could be eliminate tomorrow but the DEBT will take years to eliminate. You need to learn the difference) Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
Not sure what you were trying to say but I did my best to help you out. So you're a progressive who wants to tax the rich into submission in order to eliminate the DEBT caused by government overspending (and yet you blame the rich) on the poor. You're against illegal immigration but have no solution (I gave you two) and you hate the Catholic church and blame them for all illegal immigration. Did I get that right? (just reading what you wrote)
Not sure what you were trying to say but I did my best to help you out. So you're a progressive who wants to tax the rich into submission in order to eliminate the DEBT caused by government overspending (and yet you blame the rich) on the poor. You're against illegal immigration but have no solution (I gave you two) and you hate the Catholic church and blame them for all illegal immigration. Did I get that right? (just reading what you wrote) Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Where are a lot of things in the constitution that we presently have? Also, rife with fraud? I'm gonna need proof on that. We have a few states that decided to spend a bunch of money drug testing welfare recipients because they just knew they were all druggies. Turns out, it was a very small percentage and they basically wasted taxpayer money to find that out. Government in action!
Where are a lot of things in the constitution that we presently have? Also, rife with fraud? I'm gonna need proof on that. We have a few states that decided to spend a bunch of money drug testing welfare recipients because they just knew they were all druggies. Turns out, it was a very small percentage and they basically wasted taxpayer money to find that out. Government in action! Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Yes, government surely does waste taxpayer money on unnecessary research and the like. Let's stop this spending now! Cut out gravy money for insurance companies, multi-national corporations, pharmacuetical corporations, and the industrial military complex. We do not need to address space without first addressing this planet and it's inhabitants. Some of whom are living in extreme poverty, yet work hard. Do you think the top .0001 percent works hard? No, they live off capital gains and the money stays in the family. Once born into a family such as the Rothschilds, you are born rich. What about Americans who are not born rich?

Is this fair game? You tell me! All citizens should have equal opportunity to thrive. Not just the .0001 at the top, who barely pay their share of taxes.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yes, government surely does waste taxpayer money on unnecessary research and the like. Let's stop this spending now! Cut out gravy money for insurance companies, multi-national corporations, pharmacuetical corporations, and the industrial military complex. We do not need to address space without first addressing this planet and it's inhabitants. Some of whom are living in extreme poverty, yet work hard. Do you think the top .0001 percent works hard? No, they live off capital gains and the money stays in the family. Once born into a family such as the Rothschilds, you are born rich. What about Americans who are not born rich?

Is this fair game? You tell me! All citizens should have equal opportunity to thrive. Not just the .0001 at the top, who barely pay their share of taxes. Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
There is hope for you.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Had to be something Jewish didn't it? Here is a suggestion, why don't you hate only the people that have done you wrong instead this mythical .000001 %. That can only be one or two people.
"From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs"

Does that pretty much sum up what you are advocating.
  • shanm
  • 03-02-2015, 12:38 PM
"From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs"

Does that pretty much sum up what you are advocating. Originally Posted by Jackie S

No, I don't believe so. "each according to his abilities". Last time I checked, having been born into money is not an ability, its a privilege.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Okay, we have a problem here Houston. Having parents who chose to have children who will be rich is a privilege but having parents who chose to abort their children because they have no money (or care) is a right.

So we'll just put you down as a class hater.
  • shanm
  • 03-02-2015, 01:19 PM
Okay, we have a problem here Houston. Having parents who chose to have children who will be rich is a privilege but having parents who chose to abort their children because they have no money (or care) is a right.

So we'll just put you down as a class hater. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Ok, How about you shut the FUCK up?? you equivocating jackass. All I said was that being born into a rich family is a privelege and not an ability, which is obviously true. It's a privelege for the kids, not for the parents who decide to have kids, fuckface. Prove me wrong or suck my fat dick. Don't use a stupid straw man argument to try and prove how big of a cunt you are.

"but having parents who chose to abort their children because they have no money (or care) is a right." Yes, its a right.

I don't know why you have to act like self-righteous, smart-ass prick on every single thread.
Budman's Avatar
Yes, government surely does waste taxpayer money on unnecessary research and the like. Let's stop this spending now! Cut out gravy money for insurance companies, multi-national corporations, pharmacuetical corporations, and the industrial military complex. We do not need to address space without first addressing this planet and it's inhabitants. Some of whom are living in extreme poverty, yet work hard. Do you think the top .0001 percent works hard? No, they live off capital gains and the money stays in the family. Once born into a family such as the Rothschilds, you are born rich. What about Americans who are not born rich?

Is this fair game? You tell me! All citizens should have equal opportunity to thrive. Not just the .0001 at the top, who barely pay their share of taxes. Originally Posted by SeekingTruth

I have several questions for you.
1. What do you consider rich?
2. What do you consider their fair share?

In 2011 the top 1% paid 24% of the taxes. The top 20% paid 69% of taxes. The numbers may vary slightly depending on the year but it is without question that the vast majority of federal taxes are paid by the top 20%. IMO before any taxes are raised the waste in government spending needs to be dealt with. I know that every single nickel of wasteful spending cannot be found and eliminated but much of it can be. If that is not done then giving the government more money will only lead to more wasteful spending. The government needs to balance the budget and have a plan to deal with the deficit. Not a pie in the sky bullshit plan that will never be enforced. Until they prove that they can live within a budget then there should be no tax increase.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
In addition to Budman's question, I'd like to ask how do you decide who gets what, and how much?
Have to say, I had a great quote, but it was deleted by this board. Just goes to show you who is really in power. Cute Old Guy needs to run. I would put my confidence in him.. .lol! Love you!
"From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs"

Does that pretty much sum up what you are advocating. Originally Posted by Jackie S
If that were reality, we would have a "utopian government". Unfortunatley, that is not reality, and until the majority actually sees what is happening, we will continue to be slaves, mostly for the corporations in charge of our "government".
In addition to Budman's question, I'd like to ask how do you decide who gets what, and how much? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Truth seekers, Americans, Liberterians, anticommunists, and anti-Hitler citizens, unite. We must stop another Nazi government, run by power, greed, and narcisissim. Hitler was sick, and who financed him? The "Bush Family." Do your homework America.