So.. What the Fuck is up with These US Olympic Swimmers?

Chung Tran's Avatar

4 of them.. fake robbery tale.. vandalism..

are these guys stupid as Hell?
Apparently this is your first experience with Ryan Lochte?
Chung Tran's Avatar
I didn't exactly know him well, but I've learned some shit in the past few hours.. lock the SOB up in Rio, he deserves 5 years based on excessive Jackassness alone..
pyramider's Avatar
They have inhaled too much chlorine while training. But there is a lot of video coming out and there appears to be some interesting actions ...
Chung Tran's Avatar
nothing definitive yet, but now it looks like the Swimmers WERE robbed! sort of..

seems one of them did damage something in the restroom, and as they attempted to leave the gas station in the taxi, a security guard pulled a gun, ordered them out of the Cab, and made them pay for the damage.. Lochte told Mom about the "robbery", SHE told the media, and it blew up.

had Lochte kept quiet to his Mom, nobody would know anything. there would not be a story.. he still lied about it to the press.

and he's still a Jackass..
I bet he looses millions in endorsements for lying...dumb ass.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Why is this national news. Bunch of dumbass kids, probably drunk. Fucked up and tore up a bathroom. Service station owner gave them what they had coming. Dunbasses compounded the vandalism claim by popping off. Turned it into a false reporting case. Local crime story. Slap 'me on the wrist for the false reporting, make them pay for the damage, and send 'em home and tell them not to cone back until they can behave. How is this national news? Hard to see it as national news in Brazil, never mind here!
pyramider's Avatar
24 hour media needs anything to fill the time slots...
Yeah, its a shame this story has gotten the amount of press it many other Olympians deserve attention due to their successes and for simply "doing the right thing" (yet) the public doesn't hear diddly about them. Dirty laundry, right....

That said, if you've had the good fortune to see / hear Lochte in prior interviews, you were prolly left with the feeling that this guy was as dumb as a box o' rocks. Those other swimmers might want to distance themselves as much as possible from this bonehead or they'll be branded as such, too....
Chung Tran's Avatar
we didn't really know the depth of the story at first.. I think it is good that the media didn't ignore it, but it's probably time to give it rest.

the other dimension is the petty crime angle that Brazilians were tagged with before the games began.. I can see why the local community would be upset at the false robbery tale..
TexTushHog's Avatar
It's a good "ugly American" story, but that's more news in Brazil than here.
ElBombero's Avatar
I think we should hire the Brazilian police to look into Hillary.
billw1032's Avatar
Bunch of dumbass kids, probably drunk. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
More than drunk, according to reports I heard. Coming back from a party at 6AM totally wasted.

are these guys stupid as Hell? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
I think that question has been answered in the affirmative.
cheatercheater's Avatar
As Hillary would say- what does it matter now?