SJ anyone?

Curious if anyone has seen her.saw her twice and had a blast. Pretty sure she's out or just super UTR. thx if anyone knows
Do what I do- hit up the former ho’s on fb and see if they’re interested in rekindling the magic. Believe it or not, it’s worked more often than it hasn’t in getting them to dip their toes back in the water- Olivia Paige, KK (aka Headmistress), Missy from Troy, Ellie (from the old hooker Towers), young Jess from Troy, the list goes on and on..
KK lives up in saratoga area ive tried but she won't respond think she's out and staying healthy which is good.olivia is working and has a BBQ today.Jess from Troy?Missy as in Momo?
Yes, the Missy who also goes by Momo. Jess was the one who worked with tatted Ally from Troy for awhile who now strips (I believe) at Candy House. I think they all pretty much re- retired with the exception of OP. If anyone still sees Momo, Jess, KK, or Ellie, let me know, as I haven’t been able to connect with any of them in ages.
Last time I saw Momo about 2-3 years ago she was larger and rushed out saying her ride was leaving wasnt worth the time
  • t518
  • 06-27-2021, 09:21 AM
ive Often thought about the FB approach, but never sure how it would go over.
BugsySegal's Avatar
Is she cooking sausage at her BBQ?

KK lives up in saratoga area ive tried but she won't respond think she's out and staying healthy which is good.olivia is working and has a BBQ today.Jess from Troy?Missy as in Momo? Originally Posted by Scoot642
Do what I do- hit up the former ho’s on fb and see if they’re interested in rekindling the magic. Believe it or not, it’s worked more often than it hasn’t in getting them to dip their toes back in the water- Olivia Paige, KK (aka Headmistress), Missy from Troy, Ellie (from the old hooker Towers), young Jess from Troy, the list goes on and on.. Originally Posted by Warrenajeffers
ive Often thought about the FB approach, but never sure how it would go over. Originally Posted by t518
Once you do they have access to your profile obviously if its your personal one or perhaps a fake account.i got in touch with Resa thru FB but she still has travel issues
August Black's Avatar
Once you do they have access to your profile obviously if its your personal one or perhaps a fake account.i got in touch with Resa thru FB but she still has travel issues Originally Posted by Scoot642
You definitely have a point there. Either way RW or hobby account ALWAYS hide your friend’s list. NEVER put any employment information on these accounts and never use a name remotely close to your actual name. A bunch of these girls can use the cash but as they get older and smarten up reputation is everything especially for those who are born and raised here and never left the area.
Mr.Random's Avatar
Once you do they have access to your profile obviously if its your personal one or perhaps a fake account.i got in touch with Resa thru FB but she still has travel issues Originally Posted by Scoot642
But very little access depending on your privacy settings (unless u friend any of them).. which is not the brightest move to make since it's a list that probably has eyes on it..
Guys, obviously I’m referring to using a fake fb account. I use my hobby name on my account so the gals know who I am when I contact them. I don’t worry about hiding my friends list since it’s pretty much just other ho’s on the list lol. As far as chicks’ reception to the contact, I’ve had a few that politely declined, but none of them ever got pissy with me.
After SJ had latest kid, I believe shortly before covid, she has either gotten out completely or is very deep underground.
Mr.Random's Avatar
After SJ had latest kid, I believe shortly before covid, she has either gotten out completely or is very deep underground. Originally Posted by Tomb8871
If talking about same SJ (SJ pretzel).. then pretty sure engaged now. But my apologies and ignorance if talking about someone different.
Zay Siding's Avatar
This is why I stick to my one long time regular and only see her.
A lot less stressful and helps avoid the stress of retired providers etc
Also not having to worry about new providers giving me trouble as I have had so many issues as you all know.

Oh and also it’s perfectly fine to write providers on Facebook. Heck I Facebook friend all the providers I see (then block them after they play me) and have even posed in Facebook photos with Saratoga Sky Jen, Schenectady Sucker, May in Schenectady and Riddle Girl in Waterford