Blast from the (25 years ago) past

Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
So there I was, checking Facebook while waiting for a file importation to finish, when up pops a message from a name that's the same as someone I new 25 years ago -- a dancer at Caligula XXI and then, just before she left the area for Austin, where she was planning to dance at Sugar's, at PT's in east Dallas.

She asked if I was the same person she knew a long time ago. I replied that if her maiden name was [something] and she was from [somewhere], indeed I was.

Total shock. First, that she would remember my name, then, second, that she would seek me out -- especially in light of the fact that our OTC activities were limited to one afternoon Christmas shopping for her son. She'd introduced herself at Caligula's by telling me she'd never cheated on her husband and wasn't about to; perhaps stupidly, I respected those ground rules and was just happy to have her pay some attention to me when I stopped in. My first and only beer was downed at her request as a "farewell gift" on her last night at PT's, and I drove her home from there that night.

She'd be in her mid-50s by now, and she's a couple of hundred miles away. I prefer email contact to FB, so I gave her an address and my phone number. "You first," she said, giving me her email address. So I dashed off a quick note before heading to a meeting.

It's safe to say that nothing like this has happened before, and I find the situation to be somewhat flattering, but not the least disconcerting.
TinMan's Avatar
“Not the least disconcerting”, meaning “a little concerning”?

Since you said OTC activities didn’t include sex, my first guess as to why she’d reach out to you isn’t valid (“Umm, just wanted you to know that my son decided to get a DNA test, and…say hello to Little Lance!”).

I’ll admit, I’m a little intrigued. Can’t wait to hear the rest of this story, should you decide to share it. Good luck!
I frequented that establishment during that time. If her name was Charlie, good luck to you Sir because she was the hottest woman in DFW at that time.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
“Not the least disconcerting”, meaning “a little concerning”? Originally Posted by TinMan
No, it means some people might have been a little spooked by a stripper whom they knew 25 years ago who was stalking them. It doesn't bother me.

Since you said OTC activities didn’t include sex, my first guess as to why she’d reach out to you isn’t valid (“Umm, just wanted you to know that my son decided to get a DNA test, and…say hello to Little Lance!”).

LOL. I kinda wish that might have been possible, but it's not. I have a friend who got a surprise "Hi, Dad!" phone call about 20 or so years after he left his first job out of college.

I’ll admit, I’m a little intrigued. Can’t wait to hear the rest of this story, should you decide to share it. Good luck!

I can't really think of anything else that might happen that would be worth sharing.

I frequented that establishment during that time. If her name was Charlie, good luck to you Sir because she was the hottest woman in DFW at that time. Originally Posted by Sticksandstones

I don't remember her dancer name. Now that I think about it for a little bit, she may very well have used her real name. It wasn't Charlie. There were several girls whose names I was familiar with at the time, but they've all escaped my memory save the one who went on to greater fame as Cherry Mirage/Stryc-9.
mtabsw's Avatar
Well, I just got a text from a long lost love - after the first cheerful part, went into "I've been sick and unable to work and my car is being repossessed."

Hope that's not where this is headed Sir L.

Merry xmas y'all.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-07-2022, 09:54 PM
Sounds like it was a better connections back in the day, now we have bitter angry hookers thinking their stretched pussy is worth a million dollars
Jethro Gibbs's Avatar
Sounds like it was a better connections back in the day, now we have bitter angry hookers thinking their stretched pussy is worth a million dollars Originally Posted by BLM69
I’m glad you are back. You are always such a ray of sunshine with all your positive comments about our lovely ladies in the hobby. Your posts are always so positive and informative.
I’m glad you are back. You are always such a ray of sunshine with all your positive comments about our lovely ladies in the hobby. Your posts are always so positive and informative. Originally Posted by Jethro Gibbs

... are a Master of the lost art of sarcasm! Bravo!!!!
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-09-2022, 06:29 PM
I’m glad you are back. You are always such a ray of sunshine with all your positive comments about our lovely ladies in the hobby. Your posts are always so positive and informative. Originally Posted by Jethro Gibbs
You know you can always count on me to give it to you 100% without the sugar coating, the truth shouldn't be viewed as negative
growing up the lady that worked at Caligula front desk was my neighbor. If alive still she would be in her 80's. Was always a trip going there. That place got hit with Italian lightening.
menace2myself's Avatar
OMG.... Caligula!

Remember it well. A friend of mine launched his radio career as a DJ there, and has been an afternoon drive staple in a large Midwestern city for decades now.

I "played" in the hot tub with the ladies one New Year's Eve after party. That place was wild. That whole NW highway corridor was a Playland for many many years.

Who is old enough to remember the Discos? Shit went down in that many memories.

Thanks for the Blast. Cool that someone reached out.

Hope all is well with her.
Back in the day I was there every Sat. night sitting at the main stage seeing all the porn stars. LOL I remember Cherry Mirage well. I was friends of quite a few dancers, never did any which is why they enjoyed hanging out, I even went to a baby shower with like 20 dancers there.
cinderbella's Avatar
Sounds like it was a better connections back in the day, now we have bitter angry hookers thinking their stretched pussy is worth a million dollars Originally Posted by BLM69
Do you really have to talk about your mom like that?

Haha, (ducks to avoid flying beer bottle)
Please lighten up, BLM69, I could not resist.

To stick to the topic, that situation is always a nail biter.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-12-2022, 09:32 PM
Do you really have to talk about your mom like that?

Haha, (ducks to avoid flying beer bottle)
Please lighten up, BLM69, I could not resist.

To stick to the topic, that situation is always a nail biter. Originally Posted by cinderbella
Daddy must be proud 🥲 couldn't resist 😂
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Can’t wait to hear the rest of this story, should you decide to share it. Good luck! Originally Posted by TinMan

I suggested email; she said, "You go first." I did. Crickets. She either got the memo or decided that there were more profitable 25-year-old relationships to pursue. Another friend would be nice, but not essential.