Escorts Affair

I was wondering if any of you have had the same experiences I have had when contacting girls from this site. I have yet to find a girl that will accept cash when meeting. Most want a upfront deposit for “booking”. A few want a gift card and say it can be handed to them, but when you tell them you have the card they want a pic if it. Also I have received a threat from a pimp saying I was wasting the girls time by not making an appointment and the pimp wanted money or would Inform my family and sent a picture of a guy with his throat cut. I blocked the number then they txt from a different number which I also blocked. Decided that Escortsaffair was not the place to look for an escort. Thoghts?
Dude, you are doing it all wrong, I just don't even know what to say, ... SMH
All scammers

NEVER NEVER NEVER get any gift card and send a pick of it to them or the PIN number and pics it’s gonna go poof and your out the money

NEVER NEVER NEVER do any deposits for someone you have no clue on … yes there are some escorts / companions that want a deposit but YOU MUST DO YOUR HOMEWORK on them

You really need to do your research and look back and search for info like this

It was either here or on USASG that someone mentioned the exact same situation with a pic being sent of a guy with his throat slit … exact same thing hell was it you that mentioned it a while back ?? But I remember it all the same

Trust your gut do your homework. Most hookers around here are using skip em tryst Eros sumo and a little bit of listcrawler ( which 90% of them in there are scammers and just a few that are being pulled from other sites that are real ) even callescort most are scams.

Always look at reviews always send pms to the johns that have done a review and see if they are willing to share a little more info or if you see they have seen the woman a few times ask for a voucher