Am i still a newbie? (Crazy newbie weekend)

stangalang's Avatar
I am brand new to the hobby literally 5 days old. On day 1 I found eccie, sign up then got p411 all in the first hour. My plan was to have one hell of a weekend and learn some things very quickly. I am the very definition of a newbie, I got married when I was 19 (stayed faithful) then divorced at 34, spent the last few years buried in work trying to move on. I wasn't worried about love, sex or relationships just work, money, work and more work. Enough about the past!

So we move to my first weekend journey as a newbie. As y'all well know its hard getting a provider to hang when you are a newbie. So I started Thursday evening trying to set up my super newbie weekend. After sending out several emails, text and PM's I got discouraged cause I was getting shot down left and right. We all have our preference and that's what I was sticking to, but of course to no avail. I did end up setting one appointment for Saturday with a provider who was not newbie friendly at that time. So I decided if I want this weekend to be awesome I needed to book at least* 5 providers. So I decided to look for newbie friendly providers and I started reaching out to them. Now I have my 5 picked and I'm ready to roll.

We start on Friday night with the first provider. (I will review all the ladies later just wanted to get my story out). I had a 9:30 appointment which started on time we had a couple drinks at the bar then proceeded to my room (for time restraints I'll summarize) ainky aniky aniky yeesss big daddy. Then it was 10:23. First night was decent. Wasn't what I was expecting but decent. I wanted to call another provider but I decided to chill and get some rest so I could be prepared for my Saturday adventure.

Saturday is here I had to help a couple of my drivers out so my next appointment was set for 5:30 and I had another one set for 8:00 later that night. So I arrive at her location on time, she invites me in and offered me a drink. She an older provider but in VERY NICE shape. I picked he cause of her pics and also I figured she could hook me up with some much needed advice about the hobby and maybe show me some stuff lol. Long story short we drank she masturbated and came (which was niccce) then my turn and nothing. Apparently I am well endowed, and once we started after 5 minutes she couldn't take it anymore. Uneventful, I thought but overall not a total bust.

OK as I was gettining in my truck I received a text from my 8:00 provider and she had to reschedule, which was OK cause she had a legit reason.No harm no foul. But that left my evening open. So I hauled ass back to my room and started frantically emailing, calling and texting trying to find a replacement. After several hell newbie no's, I finally booked a 2 for 1 special for midnight. I was quoted me 3 hundie sticks. So I said cool come on over.

Midnight comes and one of the providers called asking if i could do 4 hundie sticks and I said sure but it has to be mind blowing. Then I get a second call letting me know that the second provider has car problems and can't make it. So she said she was heading my way, then about 12:20 she calls back saying that she is freaked out by Hilton hotels cause she had an issue in a Hilton in the past and she wasn't going to come. I told her it was cool I understand. At that time I'm thinking, damn there goes my night. And then she calls again saying she would go ahead and swing by. So now I'm like cool its back on. She arrive at 12:50 looking nice, we a had a drink and my session started with a cbj. Then she stops and starts to up sell me, she ask how much more would I pay for the gfe and I said depends on how good it is. We agreed on another hundie stick which came to 3 since the second provider couldn't make it. She gave me 3 or 4 dfk's then a little stripper pole some k9 then finished with some mish. We talked for a min and as she was about to leave she asked if i wanted another session. I said naaaa I'm cool and she left. I was tempted to call another provider so I could finish with a bang and I decided to just call it a night. My first gfe very uneventful I was thinking lol and I'm also thinking I just gave a hundie stick for 4 dfk's. UNEVENTFUL....

I was awakened by my cell ringing around 8am, when I answered it was a provider that I met at my Saturday 5:30 appointment. She and my provider are friends and she was there getting ready to go out. I met her because my provider call her in to have her look at my piece cause she was impressed by the size. She told me that she was a squirter which was kind of interesting and that little bit of info intrigued me to pm her when my Saturday 8:00 rescheduled. When I answered my cell she told me that she had just seen my pm and she wanted to come and squirt on my piece and I said sure lets make it happen. I told her to meet me at 10:30. She arrived at 10:50ish. She smelled good (perfume) and looked nice, so we talked for a few and then started. I'll say there was maybe 3 minutes of foreplay then she was on me. Then 2 minutes later she had an "O". It was cool but no squirting. Then she said after she has a good "O" she likes to nap and just stopped. LMFAO at that point I'm completely turned off and I think she felt it, but did nothing to get me up and going again. Once again the word uneventful came to mind.

Overall it was a decent first weekend, kinda funny when you think about it. The hilarity of it is what made me put the thread together just for laughs. Although its all true its still funny as hell.

Now for the providers out there I would like my second weekend to be way better so if a few of you ladies read this, after you laugh at me feel free to pm me cause I would really like experience the hobby at its best.

I was suppose to race my Camaro this weekend but blew off my buddy's so that I could give the hobby a try. Hmmmm did I make the right decision?

And fellas if you could point me in the right direction to a few providers who knows how to take care of business, please send me a pm

I guess the good thing is, I have references now lol maybe not after they read this
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Dude.... ummmm.... errrrr.... I don't know how to tell you this.... but.... you got hustled, & pretty bad it would seem. Multiple times.

Did they at least use lube when they sodomized you like that?

It's a little late so I'll have to get back with bullet points with were you went wrong. Unless someone else wants to point it out.

Sad. So sad. SMMFH
Guest010115-3's Avatar
First, these ladies can smell desperation. I would suggest at the first up sell, u let her know the session is over. Take ur refund and let her leave. First off, u have p411 setup. U r not a newbie at that point so use that to get an appointment. Yeah some ladies may still blow u off but the more desperate u become, the more money u will waste.

Personally if u say who the ladies r that did the up sell it would strike them off my list coz i absolutely rally against anyone being taken advantage of, newbie or not. Are they on eccie?

U made several mistakes and i cannot imagine u spent that much for so little. U seem to have money so maybe it's ok for you, the highest I have dropped for a provider was $$$ and it was not worth it (case of blue balls with her complaining bout my size too) and ended up taking advantage of my being nice to end the session without finishing. So I count that as another hussle to cut the session short. Needless to say, my Latinas did the trick couple of hrs later for less than half the cost.
I am looking forward to the reviews so I know who to avoid.
Do the reviews.............Your story will help others.......
Wakeup's Avatar
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
wow!!! I am a provider and your story sounds horrible. I don't know WHO you called.... but they sound like some very un-reputable women. I have never up sold a guy in my life. What the heck is up with ladies trying to DiSS guys with cocks larger than 3 inches? my goodness. I personally love a nice sized cock.

I told a provider the other day about how I don't like to give out details on a guys session, So long as he is not the police, pays the right amount of money, and shows me and my time respect, all youre gonna get form me is a "Yeah he is a great guy, respectful & I would see him again"

Some women want to know how long it takes him to cum, how big his dick is, and other crap I find should not be a factor. You are a Provider, If the guy has big dick or a little one, take 5 minutes to cum, or takes a hour, you are the professional! Handle it. We get paid good money to get cocks of all shapes, staminas and sizes off. You cant only pick 2 inch cocks that cum in 5 minutes to accept for Petes Sake!

Sounds to me like a lot more ripping off is going on than is led to believe.

I am mad that people get away with this crap. Here I am working my ass off every session, giving my all (which I will continue to do, because that's how you become a legend!!), and these hoes are just fucking around not even making a guy finish and STILL getting paid... Nah buddy your story was atrocious, I hope you call these ladies out. I see why men appreciate me, if this is how a good portion of women are operating, this is a damn shame.
HaHa! Lord Have Mercy! She masturbated, came and fell asleep! B, you drive turnip trucks for a living?
Yeah, you still a newbie!
  • RoxyG
  • 08-06-2013, 07:26 AM
Did you read reviews before you contacted the ladies?
poppy71's Avatar
dude you got screwed and not in the good way - definitely do reviews so others will know who provided such horrible service
jbravo_123's Avatar
I feel like I just read some sort of strange stream-of-consciousness daydream. Very surreal...
Champagne Brown's Avatar
I'm with everyone else do the reviews. Those girls know they were wrong for that.
Damn dude you got wrecked .lol
ackvt's Avatar
  • ackvt
  • 08-06-2013, 08:40 AM
You are a newbie in the sense that you haven't really had a good experience yet. And the provider who wanted to see your package, no, her friend told her you are an easy mark to take advantage of. But, we've all been suckered, and that's where you are NOT a newbie anymore.

Guys have several successful encounters with providers and let their guard down thinking they know everything, then out of the blue get taken hook, line, sinker. Happened to me about 3 months ago after 2 years in the hobby. What you have to do going forward is to trust your nose and gut, if something "smells" fishy it is. If your gut is telling you to get away from a situation, follow it. You have about 3 years worth of bad experiences in a weekend... learn from them. You are paying these women for a service; feelings, emotions, caring are all left out by the provider so when you bring these, and the worst one of all "understanding", they will sense it and take advantage of you. Finally, do your research, read reviews, if something looks TGTBT (too good to be true) it probably is, especially on Backpage and lots of ads on Eros are questionable. Eccie is a great resource as is P411, good that you have those.

Now get back on that saddle (a.k.a. hooker) and get your money's worth! And post reviews of all good, bad, and ugly. Especially ugly, no one wants to be hoodwinked by an ugly provider using fake pics...