This Phone Numer Text Me Last Week Addressing Me By My REAL Name Asking If I Worked In Grand Prairie
I Asked Who I a Was Speaking To He Said JxxxxxAs If I Knew Him Personally
I Asked Jxxxxx From Where?
He Never Redponded

SOOOOO Today He Texts Back Addressing Me Again By My Real Name
I Asked Who It Was Again & He Beat Around The Bush
Then Started To Go On Telling Me He Knows All About Me & My Son(Then Stated What My Son Name Was)
I Asked Him To Stop Texting Me
He Said I Didn't Ask Nicely
So He Was Going To Let All Of Eccie
Know About Me??

(469) 563-2xxx Is The Number He Text From!
I Had To Block Him!

He Freaked Me Out So Much I Looked His Number Up I Found
Out Where The Phones Exact Location Was!
I Told Him If He Was In That Area & He Said Yes Are
Yu Coming To See Me?..
Like Uhhh NNNOOOO!

I Could See If My Information Was Leaked
SomeWhere & Yur Trying To Give Me A Heads Up
But Instead He Harassed Me & Threatened Me��
Well, now that you posted this, I doubt he is going to let all of Eccie know about you as he would out himself to get banned if he is a member when/if he outs you. BTW, you have time to edit your post above and post only a partial phone number as I do not believe full numbers are allowed.
He Looked Me Up Somehow As If He Was Unable To Be Looked Up!
I Have All Of Our Conversation Still In My Phone Just For Proof!
So If He Did Decide To Let Everyone a Know I Have Proof He's A
Guest101516's Avatar
Damn shame....There are some PRIME TIME PSYCHOS out here...
He is a stalker now
beachcomber789's Avatar
There are services like Public Data.com, he may have gotten a license plate number and worked back from there? From there he has your real name, so he can google you, explore facebook...

Sorry you ran into such a creep!
Is he perhaps maybe someone who knows you in the civie world who made the connection to the hobby?
DarthDVader's Avatar
Yes, unfortunately or fortunately if you are protecting yourself, from a simple license plate you can get a lot of information ...
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-15-2015, 01:26 AM
He probably connected your rw info by a phone number, email or social media.
You are using a 2ed hobby phone that has no connection to any real world info and Is never used for anything but work, right?
Never had this problem with using my number
But I see now he went the extra mile to search my number
& it was linked to my facebook so since this happend yesterday
I took my number off of my facebook
I'm looking into getting a Google #
So this will no longer be a problem
I unblocked his number because it kept bothering me yesterday knowing who ever was on the other end knew my child's name! I unblocked it just to see if text messages would start flowing in. & sure enough he text me my Instagram account name he also text saying he could see me at anytime & how I would never know who it is! ��
Sounds like someone who harassed me when I first started. He has a long history here and if you are just starting out and don't know about all the connectivity shit it can be a hard lesson to learn but one you won't ever forget. Sorry this happened to you. I know exactly how it feels. It's terrifying.

Change your personal number don't publish it to Facebook. Don't post any of your numbers on any social media and put all your accounts on private, "friends only" view then go through your friends list and delete anyone you don't know in person from the real world. They could have started following you since you started providing and you wouldn't know when they started so there is no way to know who is legit and who isn't. Better safe than sorry.

Make sure none of your personal accounts link to your hobby accounts. None. Don't sync accounts in your phone settings. That will cause problems down the road. Best to just get a totally separate phone for providing. Then you can sync accounts to each phone. But never in the same phone. Too much room for error unless you know what you're doing.

Don't publish your provider number anywhere either. Only give it out after you screen someone.


That's what they want. That's all they want is your reaction. Don't give it to them. EVER!
I've been on here for 5 years now is the crazy thing & never ran into any thing like this! I provided under another name Mariah Perez & like I said never had a problem but clearly I must change things up thanks for Yur advice! Very scary feeling