fer ol boney

Plastic Man's Avatar
now what about all them concealed carries in wegmans?



HAYDEN, Idaho — A mom died Tuesday after her toddler reached into her purse and accidentally discharged her handgun, authorities said.

Veronica J. Rutledge, 29, of Blackfoot, Idaho, was shopping at a Walmart in this Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, suburb with four children in tow. One of the children, a boy about 2 years old, was left in a shopping cart, reached into his mother's purse at about 10:20 a.m. MT, and the weapon went off once, said Lt. Stu Miller, Kootenai County Sheriff's Office spokesman.

"It appears to be a pretty tragic accident," Miller said.

Deputies weren't immediately aware of how all the children and Rutledge were related. She had traveled to Hayden, about 400 miles northwest of Blackfoot, to visit relatives for the holidays, he said.

The store closed after the shooting and won't reopen until Wednesday morning, according to Walmart management.

About 7% of adults in Idaho — more than 85,500 people — had concealed-weapons permits at the end of 2012, according to data from the Crime Prevention Research Center, a Swarthmore, Pa.-based gun-advocacy group. That ranks Idaho in the top third among states.

Hayden, with about 9,000 residents, is 6 miles north of Coeur d'Alene in Idaho's northern panhandle and about 35 miles northeast of Spokane, Wash.
OH OH!!!....the horror....

Our Conservative Cowboy's, admin & staff....who be packin' .... don't be liking stories like this!......

Watch for this thread to be clesed shortly by invoking that good ole #10 Rule.....

Plastic Man's Avatar
oh mary ...ya always gotta bring yer ...fizzle politics ...into everything
Nope ....the OP with half a brain did thats!......
Plastic Man's Avatar
Nope ....the OP with half a brain did thats!...... Originally Posted by Celso
spoken like the true ...useful idiot ...ya are

Your hero eh.....
wantmore1111's Avatar
So I should not carry my fire arm with me when I go shopping? Only all the bad people should carry theirs? All yous people who don't like guns can come to my house when things go to hell. I have spares you can use to protect your family. You cannot fix dumb!!!!
ben dover's Avatar
The woman paid the ultimate price for not keeping the gun safe or not paying attention to the kid. So how many lives ruined because she was an idiot? My issue with this is what if that was your child, wife,mother, father or yourself that was standing in the path of the bullet? BD
JohnnyCap's Avatar
This lady has to be a front runner for the Darwin awards. Anybody know how the bullet clipped her? Head, gut? Femoral artery? The two year old should be able to forget this, so that's good. I'm all for the right to bear arms, twice over and back again but when someone wants to pack while shopping, I wish for them more peace of mind.
What kind of handgun goes off from a 2 yo rummaging through a purse? Anyone know model it was?
It was a freak accident, one in a million, actually way more than a million. That's why it's on the news. Don't mistake what's on the news for some kind of significant, preventable problem that needs government attention.

Too bad this mother of three wasn't a school teacher in Sandy Hook a couple years ago, there might never been a Sandy Hook. Wish she was there instead of the unarmed principal that charged the shooter with nothing in her hands, or the pussy cops that stood outside waiting for backup while the shooter finished up.

Ask the 2 dead cops in NYC how well gun control works. There's an almost total ban on handguns in the city, yet a felon 'manages' to sneak one in and waste two of them? Go figure. Murder is already illegal, you think someone that's a murderer gives a shit about a gun law? More gun laws will only take guns away from law abiding citizens and encourage criminals to do what they do best.

The woman paid the ultimate price for not keeping the gun safe or not paying attention to the kid. So how many lives ruined because she was an idiot? My issue with this is what if that was your child, wife,mother, father or yourself that was standing in the path of the bullet? BD Originally Posted by ben dover