The Republican gift to you!

Rodram's Avatar
Here's what the newest T-bagger candidate for President, Michelle Bachman, wants to do to you(As if Caribou Barbie wasn't bad enough):
Rodram's Avatar
Here's another shot at YOU from Republicans:
Rodram's Avatar
Here's what the newest T-bagger candidate for President, Michelle Bachman, wants to do to you(As if Caribou Barbie wasn't bad enough): Originally Posted by Rodram
thanks.before reading that it was just a its full blown love affair!!tax cuts for the RICH are intoxicating!!
malonely's Avatar
Kudos to another Stephanie Miller fan. I always find it amazing to find such a conservative bent to the hobbyists here. I guess many must have lost of money to be as active in the hobby as they are. I just find it ironic that the Republicans, or as they are becoming now the American Taliban, would have them in stock in the public square or castrated, or at least in one of their for profit corporate prisons if caught even posting on this site. Only high moral family values rich people can enjoy the company of escorts. You may have enough money to afford a very active hobby, but you still don't make enough for the Republicans. Not unless you last name is Koch.
JONBALLS's Avatar IDK..the R here said leave it up to the counties..
Rodram's Avatar
thanks.before reading that it was just a its full blown love affair!!tax cuts for the RICH are intoxicating!! Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Michelle Bachmann is a babe but she's a screw up-a-minute clone of the Alaskan Chillbilly.
Rodram's Avatar
Kudos to another Stephanie Miller fan. I always find it amazing to find such a conservative bent to the hobbyists here. I guess many must have lost of money to be as active in the hobby as they are. I just find it ironic that the Republicans, or as they are becoming now the American Taliban, would have them in stock in the public square or castrated, or at least in one of their for profit corporate prisons if caught even posting on this site. Only high moral family values rich people can enjoy the company of escorts. You may have enough money to afford a very active hobby, but you still don't make enough for the Republicans. Not unless you last name is Koch. Originally Posted by malonely
Stephanie is the shit!! I catch her show on AOL radio here in San Antonio.

The Koch brothers are sociopaths and now because of Citizens United, they have free reign over us. I hate the bastards.
Rodram's Avatar IDK..the R here said leave it up to the counties.. Originally Posted by JONBALLS
Ouch that hurts! Has he acted on that at all? I hope it was just political posturing.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Ouch that hurts! Has he acted on that at all? I hope it was just political posturing. Originally Posted by Rodram
He pretty much had his ass handed to him for even opening his mouth on this subject here in NV. City/county/state, R's and D's alike. Considering that "ranches" contribute over 50% of the total tax revenues to some rural counties....he starts with this stuff. What a moron and buffoon.
Michelle Bachmann is a babe but she's a screw up-a-minute clone of the Alaskan Chillbilly. Originally Posted by Rodram
Ok..the "chillbilly" is extremely funny!!But , I gotta stay with Bachmann, I want a women in there and shes got sumthin like 57 kids, so Ill put my faith in her.I see warmth in her eyes when she smiles..I know..I me what you will, Im in deep massive crush with her..
Ouch that hurts! Has he acted on that at all? I hope it was just political posturing. Originally Posted by Rodram
IDK, anytime something comes up on prostitution, im inexplicably drawn to it...other than this alls I ever see Harry Reid doing is having press conference's on how the pubs are killing off old people..
Rodram's Avatar
Ok..the "chillbilly" is extremely funny!!But , I gotta stay with Bachmann, I want a women in there and shes got sumthin like 57 kids, so Ill put my faith in her.I see warmth in her eyes when she smiles..I know..I me what you will, Im in deep massive crush with her.. Originally Posted by JONBALLS
57 kids?!? Holy beef curtains Batman, now thats a woman!! LOL!!