Where Did All of These Haitians Come From and Why Are They at the Border Now?

  • oeb11
  • 09-23-2021, 08:53 AM

Source: AP Photo/Fernando Llano

The recent surge in illegal immigrants, whose nationality has mainly been from Haiti, in Del Rio, Texas has brought the border crisis back into the national spotlight, but it has many people asking how did these Haitians get to Del Rio and why now?
For starters, a majority of the Haitians who illegally crossed into the United States to seek asylum did not come directly from Haiti. Due to Haiti's long-standing problems and natural disasters, many Haitians have left the country and settled in other countries in Central and South America, particularly Chile and Brazil.
While speaking with the immigrants at the makeshift camp under the international bridge in Del Rio, we noticed they could speak Spanish. Most Haitians who live in Haiti speak Haitian Creole or French. One man said he had been living in Chile the past few years before recently making his way up towards the United States, another said he was living in Brazil. The evidence the majority of Haitians not coming directly from Haiti is due to discarded identification documents having been found on the Mexican side of the Rio Grande.
As to why this particular nationality decided to attempt entry into the United States now, it's for a couple of reasons. One, just like any other group, they have seen how much easier it is to now enter the United States without going through the proper channels since President Joe Biden reversed many of former President Donald Trump's immigration policies.
Egged on by human traffickers, the Haitians in Latin America decided it was now a good time to enter the United States. While some of the single, adult men are being deported to Haiti, family units are being released by Border Patrol with notices-to-report to continue their process for asylum. The human smuggling organizations and cartels in Mexico have this down to a science, they know how to game the system by flooding an area with people who want to be caught so Border Patrol is bogged down dealing with families and kids. This was evident when Fox News reported over 200 miles of the border did not have a single agent because they were all focused on the makeshift camp under the international bridge.

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Meanwhile @CBP sources confirm to @FoxNews that 224 miles of the Rio Grande river border are now unpatrolled… https://t.co/nL5CrTv3Il
— Griff Jenkins (@GriffJenkins) September 19, 2021
While most of the illegal crossings have been stopped with the influx of Texas State troopers and National Guardsmen in Del Rio, it appears the Haitians who are still in Mexico have found other spots along the southwest border to cross.

I feel the haitians - mixed with other deep cover terrorists - are imported by soros and other DPST funding.

In an effort to destabilize 'Our Democracy" - and Constitution.

Buck fiden
From our cold dead HaNDS
Most political crisis are dealt with by two competing factors. Money 1st then Optics 2nd.

If the cost is not a big turd sandwich, a politician will choose the option that the press favors.

The estimated cost to end the homeless crisis is 20 billion/year.

GOPers know their base will primary them if they give 100 billion a year to social problems in stead of 100 billion in tax cuts.

Dems know all they have to do for the poor vote is APPEAR to fight for that 100 billion.

The sad truth is that Corp DEMs are as greedy as any GOPers that say " fuck the poor, I fought and worked hard for my shit. So do the same you lazy fucks. "

So in closing. Poor black folk look like they will vote for DEMs, and that means GOPers will fight tooth and nail to keep them out of the country.
  • oeb11
  • 09-23-2021, 11:05 AM
A country is not viable when it has

Open Borders
A welfare state
which is the goal of marxist DPST radicals who hate America and its' freedoms.

The DPSTs are fixated on Race, quotas, 'White supremacist hatred' - which means 'Republicans' - such as Larry Elder - and are teh most Racist , hateful, discriminatory organization ever in the history of America!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Haiti 600ish miles from Miami ,, and nobody noticed like 12000+ Hmm

Sounds like a operation to me Dumboo drop