Excuse to get out of house for margarita session

  • Duke
  • 01-17-2010, 09:40 PM
Ok all you creative people.

I generally are not out in the evenings so I hobby in the day.

However, I do want to attend the margarita social without raising suspicion.

What is a good excuse to use for being out for the meet and greet?
Hell, I am not going now. Got the invite and there is a dress code. No jeans. So how are you married guys gonna not only explain getting out to go to the event, but having to dress up to do so?

Me personally, I don't own any dress clothes. I never go to church. My job does not require dress clothes. So all I own is jeans. So, I am simply not going if there is a dress code
TheGiftedOne's Avatar
Dinner meeting with clients, seminar/class related to work, or a special project are all good excuses. Or, you could just say you're gonna go hang out with a room full of hookers and she will think you are being a smartass.
You: Honey, I am going to the ____sports bar to visit with some friends and watch the ___ game.
SO: OK, don't be out too late.
You: Call me on my cell if you need anything.
SO: OK, have fun.
Call yourself from your hobby cell or have a buddy call you. ( erase the caller id) Do the " oh, shit! How did they manage to do that? Yes, I willbe in as soon as I can get there." Then do the " honey, they have screwed up at work, AGAIN. I willbe back soon as possible, don't wait up. Those idiots....'

Pre plan. Have some dress clothes ( don't forget shoes) tucked away in your car. Scoot into the 7-11 and switch clothes. REMEMBER to change back before returning home. Wipe the lipstick off!

If you plan right, and get called "before dinner" she may even feel sorry for you for missing dinner.
I'm going valentines shopping early. Since i love you so much i want you to get the best before the stores sell out.
Stay in your work clothes and say you have to go to Home Depot. Later call and say you couldn't find what you wanted at Home Depot and you are headed to Lowes. My SO is always amazed at how much time I can spend in a place that I have been to hundreds of times.

Otherwise, I'll email you a permission slip.
Sudzny's Avatar
Depends on the SO, but I have had good luck with "Guy at work getting married, we're taking him out for a few"

1) I'm an IT geek and she had NO interest in meeting my colleagues.
2) Explained dressing up a bit
3) IF I came home with some unnoticed makeup or perfume on my clothes, I could always "Come clean" and tell her the younger guys insisted we take him to a strip club. And then proceed to complain how much I "Hate" those places.
clarkkentglasses's Avatar
if you have an iphone download the fake a call app. choose either the drunk friend needs a ride call or the boss telling you to come in to work call. that app has saved my ass a couple times!
  • npita
  • 01-18-2010, 09:11 AM
If you have a gym mmbership, go to the gym and take a change of clothes. Go back to the gym and change again afterward.
Sudzny's Avatar
if you have an iphone download the fake a call app. choose either the drunk friend needs a ride call or the boss telling you to come in to work call. that app has saved my ass a couple times! Originally Posted by clarkkentglasses
They have it for BlackBerrys as well. Has gotten me out of many a boring meeting
deere's Avatar
  • deere
  • 01-18-2010, 09:13 AM
Years ago when I was a sales manager the plant manager and I used to go out and raise hell with the ladies... We worked our scam thusly... At the appointed hour he would call me and tell me we had some serious problems at the plant...and i needed to come down there right away and figure it all out... I would do the reverse for him... After we had "solved our work and customer problems" we of course would stop off at the local watering hole for a night cap or two... Use your own work situation to create your "hey, they need me sceanario"... Only downside to this is you cannot use it more than once a month or so...

Worked for me!!!
Saturn's Avatar
the dress code sucks - I don't wear suits for work and its out of my element if I put on slacks.

This is a red flag to get dressed up for no reason.
pmdelites's Avatar
dont come up w/ an excuse that she just might check on [e.g., had to go into work].
if you are in a professional job [programmer, accountant, consultant] and there IS an organization or society having a meeting that nite, you could say you're going to check it to see if it's for you, maybe join. go to the meeting, join, then head to the margarita party - just lay off too much stuff or she'll wonder what kind of meeting you went to.

me, i'll be out of town next week, so i wont be able to attend the get together. oh well.....
Iaintliein's Avatar
Not much help I guess. The only evening social I was able to attend from the "old board" happened to be on an evening I was returning from a business trip, so I just booked an earlier flight home and bought a few hours of freedom. Luncheons are perhaps less fun, but are definitely easier to work into the schedule.
