If *I* were an Austin Moderator for a day, I would...

ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 10-16-2014, 06:40 PM
Since almost everyone seems to have an opinion on this subject as of late (based on PMs, snide comments, "helpful criticism", etc.) I put the question to you:

If you were an Austin moderator for a day, what would you do?

Before you answer, keep in mind your suggested actions have to fall within the posted site-wide Forum Guidelines. For purposes of this discussion, keep the following 3 guidelines in mind:

#3 - Disrespect to others, IN GENERAL, will be considered an item of low tolerance, especially when posting in our coed forums. Follow the Golden Rule and treat others as you wish to be treated yourself. This applies to fellow members as well as staff. [rest of this one omitted]
#4 - Blatant insults or hostility toward another member will be met with staff intervention. This applies to using our coed forums for name calling, personal attacks, or vulgar slang terms to describe fellow members. If you have legitimate concerns about another member here, share them tactfully in the appropriate private forums or with staff.
#6 - Respect the topics presented by those who start a thread. Attempts to derail a thread or change its direction is referred to as thread hijack and will be discouraged. Attempts to guide a thread in the right direction are appreciated, while responses to posts which hijack a thread are not.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 10-16-2014, 07:00 PM
Since almost everyone seems to have an opinion on this subject as of late (based on PMs, snide comments, "helpful criticism", etc.) I put the question to you:

If you were an Austin moderator for a day, what would you do?

Before you answer, keep in mind your suggested actions have to fall within the posted site-wide Forum Guidelines. For purposes of this discussion, keep the following 3 guidelines in mind:

ztonk Originally Posted by ztonk

Business as usual I would just do what they do anyway...jacking off over in the corner watching porn...

*And if I REALLY were one...I would find a way to identify posters hiding behind fake second accounts (girls posing as johns, Johns posting behind a second handle because they are too chicken shit to say what they feel behind their "known" handle).
*Fuck with everyones name changing Still Looking to EFN, Renaming fun to come to IAmGay.
*Change Hoogars current Ads to say "EVERYTHING FREE TODAY WITH FULL GFE MENU!"
*Go into every Hoogars showcase and draw CDC Spider Titties on everyone of them
*Take every Vowel out of every Hoogars Ad so they say something like Lkng fr a htt? m yr grl.
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Ah'd hand out points like they wuz Halloweenie candy.
Kfun12's Avatar
I'd find and upload a really cool avatar, and then take a nap.
I'd bone all the poon I wanted.
fun2come's Avatar
*...Renaming fun to come to IAmGay.
* Originally Posted by Toyz
He??? You wish, you only wish ...

MOD for a Day, ok:
1) Make myself MOD forever
2) put everybody on the IGNORE list
3) hunt those 2nd handles and do a BANnika on them
4) ohhh, and with the powers invested in me, get first dips on BBBJs from Ladies (at noon or early afternoon) without other mongers wearing them out first (we all know who I am talking about Mr. Ride My Motorcycle with 2 Ladies)

OK, pick 1 of those 4 ... (Hint: make it No 3)
I would make JennLolli unbutton that top button of her avatar.
It's a middle button. My jersey is retired until April. SIGH.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
It's a middle button. My jersey is retired until April. SIGH. Originally Posted by JennsLolli
LOL Jenns - he said UNbutton the top one.

Back to topic - I would try to stop the drama before it gets out of control.
There seems to be so many threads bashing sometimes for the littlest thing.
Maybe another option would be to create a special forum for NCNS so that the guys don't have to fill out the review form and ladies could post NCNS guys there too. Allowing only the other party to be able to reply - not endless discussion and bashing of character. (But this may be unrealistic and not possible.)
Bob McV's Avatar
Interesting topic.

IF the question is what I think" a day in the life of a mod is like?"
log in, go over the ridiculous number of RTMs and prioritize them, work any "red level" issues as effectively as I can. Sort through my PMs for any other "red level" issues working those.

Take a nap, or drink a beer depending on the type headache that induced

Work any remaining issues, and respond to any personal PMs

Read a few threads that I haven't been alerted too for both entertainment and looking for infractions yet to be reported.

Consider posting in a thread that I felt I had something thought provoking or experience to offer, probably don't because it might cause more issues that it is worth.

field a few PMs from people that happened to catch me while I'm on line.

Now if the question is what "What one change would I make"

Obviously this is a trick question, mods cant really effect any change on the forums either in policy or technology. I sure would have a list of ideas and I am under no illusion would be "consider and circular filed immediately"
Centaur's Avatar
1) Find out how much free strange Mods get.
2) Demand a raise.
3) Swap account handles between whoever it might be amusing.
4) Quit when I don't get paid.

I'd demand to get paid... a pretty penny.

Sometimes you mods have to deal with a lot of mess. You do it all for free.
So even though I've given you a hard time here lately Ztonk, I would like you to know I do appreciate all the mods do.
Still Looking's Avatar
I'd get rid of all the BIG FOOTS!
realize there is WAY more drama behind the scenes than the non-Mods really know...

there is some really fuked up shit that goes on around here that none of you see ..
Toyz and Tammie had good points:
Eliminating alternative accounts and a place to put NCNS. Not exactly sure how this could be done with out arguments and counter post but it's a good idea.

As Bob suggested, these may be more directed towards the owners than the operators.