Cruz blames President Obama for deputy's murder

Why not Obie is blamed if the neighbors dog shits in your yard on here. He could have been looking at some of whiffie's videos, and pics.
The 0zombie Kings race war is coming home to roost and Timmy is SURPRISED...

gfejunkie's Avatar
Cruz is a disgusting cunt.
President Obama doesn't have a clue. He does not realize how out of touch he is with the enclaves of thugs, drug dealers, thieves, and just plain old criminals who could give a shit less about all of his do good programs. All they hear is him, and other naive liberal polititians, make speeches and pronouncements that in their eyes gives them a free hand to ply their trade.

Just as with dealing with terrorist and foreign threats, this entire Administration has a unique combination of Naiveté and Stupidity that plays right into the hands of those who wish to cause mayhem and destruction at the cost of law abiding citizens.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Didn't Obama himself try to cast blame on Sarah Palin for the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords?

Eat shit and die (too provocative?) libs...
Didn't Obama himself try to cast blame on Sarah Palin for the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords?

Eat shit and die (too provocative?) libs... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Didn't JDIdiot say that the Malaysian Airlines 777 was parked on a remote island and carefully camouflaged by shrubs and netting?

Eat shit and die (too provocative?) Idiots...
Didn't JDIdiot say that the Malaysian Airlines 777 was parked on some remote island and carefully camouflaged by shrubs and netting?

Eat shit and die (too provocative?) Idiots... Originally Posted by bigtex

Speaking of BLM, let present you with bgitex... confusion is his defence...
President Obama doesn't have a clue. He does not realize how out of touch he is with the enclaves of thugs, drug dealers, thieves, and just plain old criminals who could give a shit less about all of his do good programs. All they hear is him, and other naive liberal polititians, make speeches and pronouncements that in their eyes gives them a free hand to ply their trade.

Just as with dealing with terrorist and foreign threats, this entire Administration has a unique combination of Naiveté and Stupidity that plays right into the hands of those who wish to cause mayhem and destruction at the cost of law abiding citizens. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Be reasonable. Do you honestly think a criminal gives two fucks what Obama says and actually takes it as an invitation to commit crimes? C'mon, I thought you were better than that.

As for terrorists, have we been attacked? Obama has used drone attacks more than Bush did, so I'm not sure why you're pissing on that.
Didn't Obama himself try to cast blame on Sarah Palin for the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords?

Eat shit and die (too provocative?) libs... Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Proof or it didn't happen.

Palin never even mentioned the woman's name...

On the other hand, Palin had Giffords on her famous crosshair map for supporting Obamacare. That was irresponsible and you know it.
I've said the blood is on Obama's hands since he appointed Sharpton as his race czar to go to Ferguson to rile things up. Also, there are many articles that have leaders of the BLM movement making trips to the White House.
Speaking of BLM, let present you with bgitex... confusion is his defence... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
And stupidity is his weapon of choice. He thought BLM stood for Big Liners Missing. Not airliners but panty liners.
Speaking of BLM, let present you with bgitex... confusion is his defence... Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Eat shit and die (too provocative) idiots...