Wasting Time.

Please do not schedule an appointment and then not have the respect and consideration to cancel or reschedule if you are not able to make it. I am new and it is hard enough keeping up with inbox, emails, text etc without forgetting who is who and all the details, that I really can't handle no shows and not be at least somewhat frusterated. Please understand.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
arent you the one who ncns'd daaaaaman?

arent you the one who ncns'd daaaaaman?

http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=297971 Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
novacain's Avatar
Good point Jules!

Now to the OP, if things are getting hectic as you say with scheduling, might be time to take a step back and get a handle on that. Your business handling skills are just as important as your BCD skills. NCNS's are going to happen nature of the beast, finding a screening/scheduleing system that works for you to minimize them happening due to your fault is all you can do. If you are having issues in this area, ask for some help from your fellow providers. There are some outstanding ladies in the Dallas/Ft Worth area that I'm sure would be willing to give you tips, tricks and ideas on how to get your TCB(taking care of business) skills to a level that makes your hobby life less hectic.
  • hd
  • 09-26-2011, 12:08 PM
Hey, it happens to the guys also. A provider has a family emergency: sick child, another family member, etc, and she never calls to inform the client.

It happens, so until you know the circumstances, go easy.

It is perfectly okay for her to NCNS, but doing the same to her is just rude. What she wants to do takes priority over everything else, so if she NCNS it is fine.
Iaintliein's Avatar
It's understandable and the timing, as Jules points out, is more than little ironic.

Still, new is new and brings it's advantages and disadvantages. Patience is a virtue. . . and one of the few allowed here! Breath deep, shake it off, be careful and have fun!

Great black and white photos in the showcase by the way!
. I am new and it is hard enough keeping up with inbox, emails, text etc without forgetting who is who and all the details, that I really can't handle no shows and not be at least somewhat frusterated. Please understand. Originally Posted by SerafinaSoFine

Serafina.. keep in mind for every 3 that call, 2 will cancel.. And do what u can without burning yourself out, this is supposed to be fun not a problem. And some of these ladies wouldnt mind having ur issues.. http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=298405
The best advice I would give you is just slow it down a little. Remember, all of us are about time, your time, my time and everyones time. Pick one request, go through the screening and keep your appointment. If the screening doesnt work out or there are red flags move onto the next one. If you screen properly you will have less no call no shows, they will still happen but less often. Just get a little organized and you will do just fine.

I dont know how it is on your end but I rarely get a NCNS. When I do it sure sucks. If anyone, hobbyist or provider, has to cancel at least do the common courtesy of calling, sending an email or text. It would save everyone a lot of time.

FUCK YA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SLUTS UNITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Add to that, you cancelled on me 1.5 hours after our scheduled time. We set this up yesterday.
It is probably worse for a Provider to get a NCNS reputation than a client...we're the ones that call you, not the other way around. You DEFINITELY don't want that rep. Plus some of us guys are "discreet" and may not be able to notify you of a cancellation right away, due to an extended business meeting, gabby client, persistent wife, game goes into overtime, lol...

If you should happen to NCNS a client, get in touch with him and try to make it up either thru a special rate or added time. If a guy NCNS's you by all means DO NOT call him up 15 minutes after he was supposed to meet you. Email him later to see what the problem was. It will probably be a decent reason.

Looks like you're busy, Serafina...two NCNS's in this thread.
Some of the other Providers here might be willing to give you some advice.
This is for sure a learning experience that takes time. Have patience.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
Add to that, you cancelled on me 1.5 hours after our scheduled time. We set this up yesterday. Originally Posted by blinkiebill
Probably wouldn't be a bad idea to post about this in Co-ed...