"TCB Skills" or "Where Do You Draw the Line?"

pineappleguy's Avatar
While I do have a couple of favorites that I visit as often as possible, variety IS the spice of life and I don't mind trying something new once in a while. I have recently tried to do exactly that with a couple of providers. One is completely UTR and contact info is available only on ECCIE, the other advertises on BP occasionally. I have made several phone calls and left polite, non-specific ("... would like to schedule an appointment ..." type messages) and even one text message but neither one has returned my calls. I must have called one of them between a half-dozen times over the course of 2 weeks. An ad appeared on BP in the midst of these calls so I assume she is still looking for customers.

One of my rules for doing business with someone or some company is that I don't believe I should have to bend over backwards to convince them to take my money. If they are doing so well that they don't need me, then I am sure their competition would be more than willing to oblige me.

So, when this happens to you, where do you draw the line? How many unsuccessful attempts do you make to contact a provider before you throw in the towel and move on?
I usually make 1 attempt, that's it. Unless it's someone I've met before or a provider with an excellent reputation, I'll try twice then move on. Bad TCB skills have always been an omen for the dreaded NCNS/last minute cancel. I'm just too busy and have too much pride to beg someone to see me.
So, when this happens to you, where do you draw the line? How many unsuccessful attempts do you make to contact a provider before you throw in the towel and move on? Originally Posted by pineappleguy
When A squared is less than Plan B x 2, then MO, when A = "Attractedness" and MO = Move On.

In other words, there's no formula other than when you reach your own "Not worth the effort" metric.
Jon Colden's Avatar
Like baseball: three strikes and you're out.

Sometimes, only two strikes are enough.
sometimes a post like this helps..she see's it..read's it and is like..omg is he talking bout me???? And she may send ya a pm in regards to it...Or someone else will that realizes she may be slackin on her tc of biz..will send you a pm too...so maybe posting this helped...
I'm on time to moms for dinner... The recreational clock sometimes unwind then the bullshit excuses start flowing like warm gravy

Peace homies
pineappleguy's Avatar
Just to clarify, I doubt that the ladies in question are actually active members of this review board.

Also worth noting, I generally let some time pass between calls as I know most of the ladies need to take a few days off now and again.

This is not so much a rant as it is an attempt to get a feel for what other hobbyists do.

In other words, there's no formula other than when you reach your own "Not worth the effort" metric.
Originally Posted by NormalBob

So true NB.

Every guy is different as are many of the ladies out there. There are some utr or limited availability girls I see where it may be a week before I hear back from them but I know their busy schedule and am not contacting them at 9 am to meet at noon that day. When their schedule will work for them is when we try to meet. And others I can reach out to in the am and meet that day. I think part of it depends on your relationship with them and the experiences in the past and how devoted they are to meeting us guys. There are some you see online alot during the day and are usually more prompt with a response.

I don't have a one time only or three strike and your out attitude. If there is someone I want to meet then I am more likely to continue trying. That touring girl Tabie is a great example. If she wasn't downtown I would have been sending e-mails in the hopes of a response. And if not then nothing lost on my part. But whosdair I have heard many of those lame excuses over the years but thinking back I am not worse off today. If I was to move on then I would not keep asking Anita when she is visiting Buffalo again. Hint hint Nita. If I am anything I am patient. Just trying to avoid the negative waves.
TCB skills goes both ways...

Gentlemen if you inquire if a lady is available and try to set up with her. If she replies back within a timely matter (few mins to a half hour after you first make contact) please respond back to her email/text/call whatever it is to let her know if you no longer can make it, or found someone else etc. She has taken the time out to respond and hopefully see you, so out of respect for her and her business, at lease let her know whats up. Not just ignore her response.
That's a good idea Anita. I've thought of doing that myself. I didn't really feel it warrented a thread of it's own and kind of gave up, although I have continued to wonder just what I did wrong. Since you suggested it I guess I'll give it a shot.
Some time ago I was in contact with a provider on here through here that I wanted to meet. After providing references and other info for screening we had a plan but no appt. set. I come down with a nasty cold that hangs on for a while and thought better than to spread it around. A few weeks go by and I make contact explaining the illness. I also explain that I'm now into a tough time of year and that she would hear from me again sooner or later. I get a very friendly and understanding response. A few months later I make several attempts to contact through PM and by phone but get no response whatsoever.
Do you think she'll contact me now and atleast let me know what my fatal error was?
wiseguy...you did nothing wrong..I dropped the ball..I sincerely apologize...
and it is totally my loss...warmest regards along with a hug....nita..
SweetElizabeth's Avatar
I am with NB: "Not worth the effort" metric response. It depends.

I currently have 77 messages in my "too much work" folder. Messages here include bad vibes through an e-mail, the gent insists on a specific hour for me to call versus a time of day to reach him (Naturally I think set up/bust), I feel the work info is hinky in any way, CAPS as a response to an e-mail from me (I try to always be nice, so I feel offended by caps in reesponse), txt writing composition style during initial screening, 5 e-mails to my 1, people who refuse to follow my lead when I suggest "please refer to my website" and then contact me with a question about rates or travels, people who book and then cancel on a first time visit, people who wish me to make a special pitstop in their city when I am traveling to a city further in distance and the person does not provide the "place" to meet, people who leave town early and say they will get back in touch, the list goes on!

This particular list is not a blacklist, just a refer-to list. I have been scolded by colleagues for tolerating too many of these type of e-mails.

I personally think men tend to become excited when they find a prospective woman to vist, and sometimes that effects how they inquire and respond. I try to be patient and keep that in mind. If someone e-mails me at a later date, I can refer to our previous dialog. I figure they will contact me again at a later date when they can think more clearly. For any who cancelled on a first time meet, this is the temporary one week layover folder until the new date is set.

I empty that folder about every 6 months.

Re: Brooke: TCB skills goes both ways... & please respond back to her

Thumbs up!

Perhaps you might consider a "try later" folder??? She might be a real gem going through a rough patch, or new to the industry and unaware, uneducated, or inexperienced.

OR she might just not care.

I would personally go with the try later folder. Sometimes women come in to the business believing it's fast, easy money, only to realize it's a lot of work, and leave just as quickly as they arrived. Others stick out the profession and perfect the TCB sklls, and yet others stay and never develop the TCB skill level you desire.

That level changes with each person. Some people will not visit me because I am not lax in my screening. Others prefer it, and find that to be a solid, safe, and desirable quality.

Good luck in developing your boundaries of acceptable behavior from the gals!
It worked! Strikes me kind of funny now.
sometimes ..life happens...see..all is right with this world,,in this area..for this second...

( the music begins........................ .............................. .............................
If the provider has the qualities that I truly enjoy, there is no line for me. I'll continue to be patient...call, message politely until I am given an opportunity. I'm currently about 10 days in to trying to see a "hard to book" provider. It's partly difficult due to geography and also since her schedule is limited.

I have a feeling she will be worth it. I enjoy the build-up some times. Anticipation.

Good thread.