New Website!

Hi! I am new to ECCIE....But not upstate Ny. Its really wonderful to be back. I have been searching for free websites to get this going. Any advice or concerns? Security? Safety?

Thanks so much!
I build websites if you are interested.
I will keep that in mind.

Something that will help you in general is to become a verified provider here.

Until then about half the people, male and female will look at your posts with suspicion on whether you are who you say you are.

There were a couple of people a month or two ago that came blasting on saying they were providers new to the site and in retrospect it looks like they were not legit at all.

The verification process isn't hard once you've got a known hobbyist here that will vouch for you.

As far as free sites go, backpage is often ridiculed but it works for many women. Good luck and happy hunting.
Thanks very much!
  • LynnT
  • 10-24-2011, 08:35 PM
Consider not using a free website, you can get a nice professional one for about $100 for the year. Including your domain name.

Its more professional not to have a free logo of the company you're using not a Buy a domain.

Hooker approved-
Great, Thanks!
  • LynnT
  • 10-24-2011, 10:21 PM
You can use a gift card visa to pay so you dont have to give real info.
  • Chloe
  • 10-24-2011, 11:18 PM
Great guy and prompt service as well as continual prompt service and great advice.
Lynn and Chloe,

So sweet!

Thank you~Thank you!
Oh my... We welcome new girls especially those with computers, email etc !! Some of the best talent is still living in the dark ages of Internet it seems! Peace
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