Another Odumbo moment

So Odumbo thinks we should not have to quarantine aide workers or others who have traveled to Ebola stricken areas. He thinks this will send a wrong message. But he has no problem with Hagel imposing a 21 day quarantine for US troops returning from such areas. Anyone else see the hypocrisy in this?
So Odumbo thinks we should not have to quarantine aide workers or others who have traveled to Ebola stricken areas. He thinks this will send a wrong message. But he has no problem with Hagel imposing a 21 day quarantine for US troops returning from such areas. Anyone else see the hypocrisy in this? Originally Posted by satexasguy
Obama is just the organ grinders monkey... Stalin is cranking away in his grave.
I B Hankering's Avatar
David Lerman Oct 27, 2014

U.S. Army personnel who have returned to their base in Italy after working in Ebola-stricken countries are in isolation and being monitored for 21 days as a precaution, a Pentagon spokesman said today.

Similar measures will be taken with other Army personnel, including several dozen troops scheduled to return to their home base in Vicenza from West Africa in coming days, said Army Colonel Steve Warren, a Pentagon spokesman.

A dozen troops who returned from Liberia over the weekend are now being kept “in a separate location” on the Vicenza base, Warren said. Among those being held for monitoring is Major General Darryl Williams, commander of U.S. Army Africa, who led an advance detachment of troops to Liberia about 40 days ago.

When asked if the personnel were under a quarantine, Warren avoided that word and said, 'it is enhanced monitoring. They are not allowed to leave.'...

The Army’s move to isolate returning troops comes as Odumbo's White House has fought mandatory quarantine measures imposed by the governors of New York and New Jersey for returning health-care workers. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
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Who's Odumbo, Corpy?