Tea Spa closed for 14 days

the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
I spoke with Kiko today on the phone. She said that a room mate of a girl working there has tested positive. So Kiko was told to close for 14 days and stay home.
That's too bad!
I love those girls.
I guess this is staying in Wichita.
Even though some Lawrence amps are 20 minutes from my house
New girl was to start in September. This will delay things. Must say I’m glad I picked Kiku over Anna. Apparently Anna is one with infected roommate.

It’s dangerous out there guys. I’ve decided to pull back again. I got too antsy. I don’t need any tracing publicity.

But I feel sorry for Kiku - having to shut down for awhile.
Glad Klko is back , She has talent