Sort of alert

I'm on the phone right now with SnakeDoc from ASPD and he asked me to pass this information on to everyone.

There's a guy who has the handle Snake doc who has been posting in the KC forums. I was under the impression that it was the SnakeDoc from ASPD, well its not. I don't know who it is and neither does the original SnakeDoc. He said he'll be contacting the MODs on Monday morning.

I don't think of it as an alert, but just a head's up and that's why I posted it in the CoEd forum.

So, be careful people because its obvious that ASPD handles are being taken by people we don't know.
Wayward's Avatar
MsElena it's always a good idea when you are on a new board and a lot of us are going to find ourselves in this situation in the future, to make sure that the email addresses match to the handles of your friends from another board. It's easy and few would be offended if you ask them to shoot you an email. Someone usually has that email address if you don't that is where the mods and admins can be a great help. It's another of those thankless tasks that make the board a better place that they do every day.

It's pretty easy for some people to look at a poster's (male or female) style and figure out if that is the same person whose writing they have been reading for years.

Thanks for the heads up and the thoughtfulness to post a helpful thread for everyone.
Thanks for the head's up! This has happened on several boards since the ASPD "shutdown".


- Jackie