Star Trek

gman44's Avatar
There's alot on my mind so

What series do you like better TNG or OS?

What is your favorite episode in each series?
Tatonka's Avatar
OS was better but TNG was good too.

Favorite episode
OS: the mirror universe
TNG: the borg 2 part episode where the borg assimilated Picard.

Never really got much into any of the other ST shows; DS9, Voyager

My favorite ST movies: The Wrath of Kahn and the re-launch/new cast from last year
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Def OS
My #1 fav is "The Trouble With Tribbles
Schmafty's Avatar
I like TNG better, probably because I grew up watching it, although I do enjoy and respect the OS.

Favorite OS episode is "Amok Time", the one where Kirk fights Spock.
One of my favorite TNG episodes is probably "Nth Degree" where Lt. Barclay gets super smart brain powers:

Barclay: Tie both consoles into the Enterprise main computer core utilizing neutral-scan interface.
Enterprise Computer: There is no such device on file.
Barclay: No problem. Here's how you build it...
What a bunch of geeks!

I have to go with TNG... better special effects thanks to technology advances.
Data was fascinating in superman kind of way.

and of course:
Tasha Yar

Deanna Troi

and Beverley Crusher was a hot milf!
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 01-29-2010, 01:12 AM
Gotta be The Original Series...

The City On the Edge of Forever
The Trouble With Tribbles
A Piece of the Action
The Menagerie (The only two part episode in TOS)
Balance of Terror
The Galileo Seven
gman44's Avatar
TNG: the borg 2 part episode where the borg assimilated Picard. Originally Posted by Tatonka
that one was called The Best of Both Worlds Part II

My favorite is part 1 and 2
The Game
When the Bough Breaks
Cause and Effect
Time's Arrow 1 & 2
The Big Goodbye
Coming of Age
Who Watches the Watchers
Ménage à Troi
Future Imperfect
Power Play
Final Mission

of OS I like The Space Seed and all the time travel episodes
T.N.G. all the way for me, and my favoriet episode is the first appearance of Lore.
PeAcH's Avatar
  • PeAcH
  • 01-30-2010, 10:22 PM
It's hard to choose.. I love OS & TNG.. I think Voyager has good moments, and .. blah! Why do you have to make me choose?? I'll watch any of em!

It makes me sad they don't show any ST episodes on the weekend!
Monday can't come soon enough!
As far as TV goes TNG and DS9 were my favorite. TNG had all of the exploration and joy that we had always known Trek for, but the Dominion War arc for DS9 showed that dark and gritty could work in the Trek universe. I loved them both and couldn't choose between them. Both of those series had a tremendous amount of character building between the whole cast which I thought was lost in voyager and Enterprise.
Peach, I agree that Voyager has good moments.

CharmingChameleon's Avatar
Original series for me. Can't beat the interplay between Kirk, Spock, and McCoy. And they had real, serious SF writers pen many of their episodes.
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 01-31-2010, 02:35 PM
Why do you have to make me choose?? Originally Posted by PeAcH
I'm with Peach on this one.

Favorite TNG episodes:
Best of Both Worlds (1 and 2)
(action and true sci-fi)

Hard to pick a favorite TOS one as I've seen them way too often.

The DS9 episode where they go in back in time to the Trouble with Tribbles episode was cool just from being able to seamlessly merge the old and the new effects-wise.
gman44's Avatar
speaking of DS9, where is Qwuark?