What is with all the game players?

TemptationTammie's Avatar
Is it my imagination or does it seem like this is happening more and more lately - by both hobbiests & providers who seem to want to waste the other's time by setting appointments yet not showing?
I am normally a pretty easy going and laid back. Usually as long as a guy shows me the respect that I show them, I have no problems with them.
Twice today I've had guys playing games, setting appointments only to be NCNS (one posted an ISO for a late outcall minutes after telling me he was leaving work WITHOUT cancelling, the other never even gave an address for an outcall).
Folks, it only takes seconds to send a text saying "sorry can't make it". Don't we all deserve to be respected? Everyone's time is valuable on here, so why not use a little common decency and cancel instead of wasting the other's time making them wait or make the drive to see you? Do the game players get off on this kind of stuff?
Ah blames Obama!
David.Douchehurst's Avatar
Yew took tha werds rite outta mah mouth, sharkatollah.
I had a NCNS a few weeks back...never bothered to find out why (I doubt I'd get an answer).

I attribute this one to the age of the provider (I've had this happen only a few times, and I generally don't call out names, also why I generally don't see anyone under 35).

I've often wondered why this happens as well as I go out of my way to make sure I keep my appointments, and if I know I'm going to be late or unable to make I give as early of a notice as possible. If anything I'm over-communicative to a fault.

It sucks either way.
BrianSmithYes's Avatar
It happened to me with a 21 year old last week. It sucks. I got my ass all cleaned up in the middle of the afternoon only to be left clean and hanging.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
It happened to me with a 21 year old last week. It sucks. I got my ass all cleaned up in the middle of the afternoon only to be left clean and hanging. Originally Posted by BrianSmithYes
Speaking of asses, both of these were Greek appts so cleaning and prep work involved to be ready for them which makes NCNS even worse.
onei's Avatar
  • onei
  • 12-05-2014, 07:41 AM
Tammy, that is one of my soap boxes. Indeed, it only takes a few seconds to be courteous, yet some people (on both side of the fence) just don't get it. That's why I campaigned so hard against EFN when she played the NCNS game (she seems to have learned a few things, but she's still never once taken ownership of it). If I'm NCNS'd by someone you can bet your sweet ass I'm going to give you one opportunity to fix it, if she ignores me, I'm going to become vocal. I'm truly sorry that happened to you. Seldom, if ever is there sufficient excuse for failing to be considerate of someone's time.
If I'm NCNS'd by someone you can bet your sweet ass I'm going to give you one opportunity to fix it, if she ignores me, I'm going to become vocal. Originally Posted by onei

You're far more generous than I am. I don't give second chances for something that was easy to handle in the first place.

Over the years I've grown rather irritated at the number of flat tires, friends that need help, and people who can't find easy to find places and ask for the address repeatedly.

As for my policy of not being vocal about it, perhaps you've changed my mind.
TemptationTammie's Avatar
Tomorrow is 2 years on the board for me and I have been a NCNS one time, but that was an extremely rare situation for me.
My kid called me saying that the dog bit her and she was bleeding and locked in her room. She couldn't reach her dad and her sister wasn't there so she called me. I didn't think about anything else. I forgot my hobby phone on the counter and ran out the door. It turned out that it was only minor scratches when I got there. But got her cleaned up and to school. But guys that know me know that I have a rep for being reliable. When I set something, I'm ready.
When I got home and saw the texts from the guy and felt soooooo bad. I texted and apologized and even offered half off of next session.
The one guy yesterday could have taken that time to cancel on me before posting an ISO. If he'd done that then I would have said no problem and we can try again when he's able. But after the lack of respect, there won't be a second chance.
I've noticed so many threads lately and it seems that this is happening more and more lately.
Toyz's Avatar
  • Toyz
  • 12-05-2014, 09:02 AM
NCNS on both sides are bad and spread distrust.

For the guys...WHY even make the call if you don't want to see the girl?
For the girls....DON'T make a date if there is the possibility of you NCNS. A "better offer" comes along on occasion, but do the service of a quick text to say Gramma died or something.

Common courtesy is...well...common.
Yew took tha werds rite outta mah mouth, sharkatollah. Originally Posted by David.Douchehurst

Ah's acshully yer long lost cousin, Peter Peccerhed, cuss it all t' tarnation. Ah hacked into cinnamonshark's account an' posted wif his han'le.

disclaimer: no one actually hacked into cinnamonshark's account
I highly doubt it's happening with more frequency. Sometimes more sometimes less. Assholes will be assholes.
googol^googol's Avatar
I highly doubt it's happening with more frequency. Sometimes more sometimes less. Originally Posted by Jaxhardcore
Randomly generated events will have clusters and gaps. Which is one reason we are all bad at recognizing randomness and it is so difficult to determine what is random variation and what is a trend.
You should get a "stand in" - a local regular that will fill in if there is a NCNS for a special donation but will not leave you revved up and left idling