Oh look - more gerrymandering

berryberry's Avatar
Wonder why we haven't seen a libtard thread on this. I recall their attempt to dishonestly spin gerrymandering in other threads

Court Rules Democrats engaged in "Extreme Partisan Gerrymandering" in Maryland

I recently wrote a column on the hypocrisy of Democratic activists and members denouncing attacks on democracy as they engage in raw gerrymandering in states like New York. Marc Elias, the former Clinton Campaign general counsel accused of hiding the funding of the Steele Dossier, filed in support the gerrymandered map. The case is Szeliga vs. Lamone.

This is the first time that a congressional map has been thrown out in the history of the state. (It is important to note that Republicans have also had courts rule against them in states like North Carolina and Pennsylvania).

While only 55 percent of Maryland identifies as Democratic, the map would have given Democrats a huge advantage in every district by carefully “cracking” or distributing Republican voting pockets to diffuse their power.

Anne Arundel County Senior Judge Lynne A. Battaglia was scathing in the effort to rig the election by dividing the state into seven Democratic districts and one Republicans district. The court found that, in their 2021 Congressional Plan, the Democrats not only violated Maryland law but the state constitution’s equal protection, free speech and free elections clauses.

The court concluded:

“Finally, with respect to the evaluation of the 2021 Plan through the lens of the Constitution and Declaration of Rights, it is axiomatic that popular sovereignty is the paramount consideration in a republican, democratic government. The limitation of the undue extension of power by any branch of government must be exercised to ensure that the will of the people is heard, no matter under which political placard those governing reside. The 2021 Congressional Plan is unconstitutional and subverts the will of those governed.”

Elias has been accused of making millions from gerrymandering and challenging election victories by Republicans (while condemning such actions by Republicans as “anti-Democratic”). He was involved in the New York redistricting that was ridiculed as not only ignoring the express will of the voters to end such gerrymandering but effectively negating the votes of Republican voters.

lustylad's Avatar
Hmmm... what does the Maryland state constitution say about who is supposed to draw the new district lines?
berryberry's Avatar
Lets see if the lib who spread dishonest info about gerrymandering can answer that
berryberry's Avatar
Well it certainly seems the libtard who spread dishonest info about gerrymandering is hiding in shame.

Meanwhile this was just out today:

NY Republicans have won the New York redistricting lawsuit. All three of the legislature’s maps have been struck down as illegal Democratic gerrymanders, and they have 12 days to redraw. A stunner, as the judge initially said it was too late to order a ‘22 redraw.