He's Having a Problem

There is a member in particular who comes and goes and comes and goes and comes and goes and comes and goes and comes and goes and comes and goes and comes and goes and comes and goes and comes and goes and comes and goes and comes and goes and comes and goes and comes and goes and comes and goes and comes and goes and comes and goes and comes and goes and comes and goes and comes and goes and comes and goes and comes and goes and it blocks up chat for the rest of us, we can;t use chat for anything other than to see "S***K***F** has entered" "S***K***F** has left". We're not sure if he's doing it on purpose, but its very frustrating.
As a whole, we were wondering, is there anything that can be done?
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Guilty! I apologize and I assure you it's certainly not intentional.

I'll sit on the sidelines until someone informs me of what the issue is.

I get a recurring login screen. I enter my UN/PW and the chat screen appears for a couple of seconds and the login box appears again...??

Again, I apologize.