If you Ever meet me in real life...

Have we established proper Etiquette/Guidelines to follow? In the case of one of you guys just randomly bumping into or spotting a lady you Know from the hobby out there in REAL LIFE? Or vice versa...the ladies bumping into a former 'friend'??

Personally for me, if it was someone I've met before I would be friendly, laugh over it and walk away, move on with my life like it's no big deal. Hey it's a small world.

But if it was someone I had never ever met (and I remember every single one yes I do!!!) and they came up to me and started blabbing about some zabrina chick, I would first totally freak out, start smiling and giggling like a half literate moron and be like um no you do Not know me. Slam you with my coach purse, pull out my pepper spray if I feel I have to, and RUN

Sooooo I'd like to know what you ladies would do, would not do.....and same with you guys.

Be Truthful. For Real. You have to be prepared
I've always preached the simplest rule: you ignore her (him), she (he) ignores you. You don't want to take the chance that the person you hadn't noticed walking two steps behind is actually their SO. "Who's your friend, honey?" "Uhhhhhh.....".

That said, if I were to pass a girl I knew in the mall or on the street, a glimmer of recognition wouldn't be too out of place - a slight smile, a raised eyebrow, that sort of thing. We can laugh over it at our next session.
I agree with you 100%. It is quite difficult to explain where I know you from if we do not already have a prepared go to story. You are quite gorgeous and my friends would be wondering why I have never mentioned you. I do know lots of beautiful women but some stand out more than others.

This type of behavior is not warranted at all. Now if I'm sitting at a bar or standing across the street from you giving you some inviting eyes. By all means come and say hello. I will do the same for you read that type of body language from you.

I know this is not on-topic but you should come down to Texas to get warm Chicago can be quite chilly this time of the year. I believe there's lots of Texas gents that would love to warm you up. I have discussed this with some fellow San Antonio gents and I got quite a good reaction. We are all discreet Southern gentleman down here.
Proper etiquette is simple, one word: IGNORE.

Has been talked about many times, but does require repeating, as evidence by the fact that the OP has been the victim of someone who has not been taught proper hobby manners.
thrakattack82's Avatar
I nearly had a situation come up where I would have been working in a group with a lady I had visited before on a college assignment that I was helping a friend with. She ended up not being there that day but my plan was to just play it off like we hadn't met before unless she had a different plan. I messaged her afterwards and we had a good laugh about it and figured out what we would do if it came up again.
I agree with ignore.

If the situation came about that someone asked how I met this person, I would just say I met them online and leave it at that. Many of the people I'm closest to I've met through various message boards over the last 15+ years. Shit, there's a message board for every human peculiarity out there. It's actually a great way to meet like minded people. Eccie is a perfect example of that.

Many of us like to think it's all about the fucking, but in the end, it's really about community. A community of fucking, sure, but still a community.

Plus, it's not like online dating is some kind of under the radar endeavor.

Let them draw their own conclusions. I don't have to go into detail about what I mean by I met the person online. If they ask more questions (which they won't) I'll just tell them it's none of their business.
If the 2 of you haven't talked over the scenario before, if you don't know her well enough to carry on a real conversation in fron of her brother with noone catching on, if you don't know her real name, THEN YOU DIDN'T REALLY SEE HER ON THE STREET. Walk on by.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
pat my ass, ta check if my wallet is ready
If I see a provider out in public I have no issues if she comes over and says hello regardless who I'm with. I will never approach them however. Unless I'm told otherwise I'm going to assume that they prefer that I don't acknowledge them.
waverunner234's Avatar
I wonder what would happen if you just walk up to her, give her a kiss on the cheek, call her by her hobby name and ask the big guy next to her: are you also a client or are you the spouse?
  • loboy
  • 03-30-2013, 04:06 PM
I would acknowledge them and leave it at that unless they want to come say hi...I have no problems with just saying hi to random people and my stories are quite unbelievable that unless I tell the people I'm with who she really is (and sometimes I will joke with them about her being a hooker) they will never really know anyways
I would pray the girl doesnt shout out BEEEEZZZ!! because I would be gone like a fart in the wind..!

Other than that I would glance, smile, and ignore...then I would text her later and let her know what I was really thinking about doing with her if it was someone I liked.
pyramider's Avatar
Its actually funny hearing TAINT yelled at the mall.
Sandsailor's Avatar
My P411 profile gives directions for casual encounters because a lot of us are socializing in the same circles. Otherwise a conversation about a simple cover story and names to use.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
When I first went back to school, about 3 years ago (and still clearly posted facial pictures), every few months someone would come up to me and say "Brooke?" ... it was always so embarrassing. What did they expect me to say? I would always just shake my head and walk off. Now that I do not show my face as clearly, it does not happen anymore.