Drones + the hobby = an exciting future

  • rx.tx
  • 07-05-2016, 05:55 PM
FunInDFW's Avatar
Seems really fucking stupid and dangerous considering what those blades can do to bare skin. Just waiting for someone who just got a drone to do something idiotic with this.
killswitch321's Avatar
Drones could be a terrible enemy to the hobby. If the drones get control by the wrong hands, like LE and/or SOs, it would put many hobbyist to ruins and who wants that.

Topic, this is just plain ridiculous.
CG2014's Avatar
Those 3 girls have too much time on their hands.

They need more dicks to suck on!
  • rx.tx
  • 07-05-2016, 09:26 PM
Looks like this... flew right over some heads. (;

Jesus fellas, lighten up. This sure is a strange board to be on for folks who fear the possibility of things going wrong. I thought this was a silly video that others might find silly too.
Lexy can be my Champion anyday of the week, and the runner ups get my vote as well! Now that was some tug of war worth watching!
Next month the new FAA Reg part 107 for Drones comes out. ALL these armchair pilots with drones will be required to be licensed.

It's about fucking time. As a pilot I've been hit with green lasers at night from fucktards on the ground thinking it's funny to blind us. I have friends who have had too many close encounters with drones. It's a matter of time when Drone strikes replace the amount of bird strikes.

"The FAA has released FAR Part 107 that takes effect in August 2016. Many if not all of the proposed rules and regulations have been incorporated with minor changes to some of the wording. If you are a Part 61 certificate holder (you have a pilot certificate of one kind or another), you can transition to a Remote Pilot Certificate (Remote PIC) without a lot of hassle. For those of you that do not have a Part 61 certificate will have to go through a ground and flight school to get your Remote PIC"

For those who have no life. here is the 624 page regulation concerning Drones & UAV pilot requirements.

FunInDFW's Avatar
But is this going to:
1 - limit access to being purchased without a license
2 - be enforced across the board to people flying a 'drone' without a 'license'
dtymh55's Avatar
Next month the new FAA Reg part 107 for Drones comes out. ALL these armchair pilots with drones will be required to be licensed.

It's about fucking time. As a pilot I've been hit with green lasers at night from fucktards on the ground thinking it's funny to blind us. I have friends who have had too many close encounters with drones. It's a matter of time when Drone strikes replace the amount of bird strikes.

"The FAA has released FAR Part 107 that takes effect in August 2016. Many if not all of the proposed rules and regulations have been incorporated with minor changes to some of the wording. If you are a Part 61 certificate holder (you have a pilot certificate of one kind or another), you can transition to a Remote Pilot Certificate (Remote PIC) without a lot of hassle. For those of you that do not have a Part 61 certificate will have to go through a ground and flight school to get your Remote PIC"

For those who have no life. here is the 624 page regulation concerning Drones & UAV pilot requirements.

http://www.farpart107.com/wp-content...ean_Signed.pdf Originally Posted by Von Spieler
A mid air with one of those, Could ruin your day.