Who is Going to Win This Year🏈🏈

MILF_77584's Avatar
Sorry to all the patriots fans but not this year honeys😆😆
I honestly think 49ers are going to win but I’m just saying that because I’m from California 😁😁
Texans are doing great this year to so maybe they will make it🤷🏽♀️

What team are you all going for? Or did you team already get knockout the playoffs?
pyramider's Avatar
Texans are not going to get past the Ravens, who schooled them.
MILF_77584's Avatar
I know, I saw the team they have to go against, I had faith in them but not anymore. I’ll see how far my 49ers are going to go!
TryWeakly's Avatar
Not the Saints or Patriots ! ...

MILF_77584's Avatar
I know I actually like the saints, know they are pissed
DallasRain's Avatar
Im in mourning for my Saints. Lol
DNinja69's Avatar
Sorry to all the patriots fans but not this year honeys😆😆
I honestly think 49ers are going to win but I’m just saying that because I’m from California 😁😁
Texans are doing great this year to so maybe they will make it🤷🏽♀️

What team are you all going for? Or did you team already get knockout the playoffs? Originally Posted by MILF_77584
Let me start with a moment of silence for Dallas fans.
That moment has lasted about 20 years now since they
really did anything but who am I to point that out lol.
Not sad to see the Patriots go either. In the AFC I
like the Texans but not sure they can get past Baltimore.
Agree on the 49'ers now that the Saints are gone.
If the Texans don't make it I will just have to enjoy
the Super Bowl as it is. So many great games in the
playoffs already.
Cendell M's Avatar
Texans are not going to get past the Ravens, who schooled them. Originally Posted by pyramider
Shame on you....Sit on the side lines with New England "cheaters" Patriots
The Cowbitches you're in time out!
boardman's Avatar
The Texans won against the Chiefs earlier in the year by stopping the run and playing balanced offense. This after whooping up on the Falcons. If that team can show up they've got a chance.

Andy Reid isn't all that successful in the post season. In 5 playoff appearances with the Chiefs the only game he's won has been against the Texans.

I'll say Texans 23-20 this week.
They don't get past the Ravens.
Cendell M's Avatar
Thank you bm, I like the way you think...

Pyramider you're still in time out until I say you can come out....
kerwil62's Avatar
My predictions are:

AFC Championship - Chiefs @ Ravens

NFC Championship - Packers @ 49er's
kerwil62's Avatar
My predictions are:

AFC Championship - Chiefs @ Ravens

NFC Championship - Packers @ 49er's

Super Bowl pics - 49er's & Ravens

Winner - Ravens
Cendell M's Avatar
^^Just stick a knife in my heart, I can't stand the Chiefs....Texans can do it I have faith.
pyramider's Avatar
Texans taint got the manpower and firepower to beat the Ravens and Chiefs.

The cowbitches had an one hour love fest with the new coach yesterday. The cowsheep are lined up to be sheered again.
Cendell M's Avatar
Well taint you a positive one.

I beg to differ, we'll make a bet Texans beat the cheifs...Feel free to call it if they don't Pm or text me with the bet... I be thinking of something good for you If we win (Texans)

The sheep bout the only thing good in Dallas haha!