P411 request

last night p411 did some updating :thumb up: really glad. I now can see that I'm not getting most of the request sent to me (I only got 1 out of 4 today). I have hit the request for it to be resent idk how many times and nothing. I have checked my spam a thousand times, nothing. when p411 let's me know i have had a request sent they only tell me the guys handle name… tobad as far as i know we can only look them up by there ID so i have no way of telling the guy I did not receive his request

Is anyone else having this issue?? I use yahoo is there something in the setting I need to change?? or should I just request no more request??
Please help
Have you tried to contact P411 and let them know what's going? Gina and her staff are always wonderful about getting stuff done.
KCSmutMonkey's Avatar
Try this with the p411 'From' address that your notification email comes from:

Yahoo SpamGuard rates email for possible spam and sometimes incorrectly identifies something you want as spam. First, go to Options, Mail Options and then Spam. Make sure the email address you want is not in the Spam box or the Blocked address box. Even if the address is not there, you may have to click the Not Spam a few times for Yahoo to learn that this is a type of message that you want.

Also, if you are using the web client (and others) it by default will group messages together as a 'Conversation' instead of listing them as individual messages. Since all the messages come from p411, they get grouped together in one message by Yahoo mail. So, check your message by scrolling down and see if another message is listed below it. Hope this helps.