Game of Thrones.....

Season 7 begins in.....One More Week! Can't wait!!

Now that we've witnessed the (end of last season) Battle of the Bastards (no spoilers....I get it, some people are Still not in the loop...yet) the question begs to be asked...What's Next? I guess we 'll start finding week, huh?

I'm sure there are other Icky members who are GoT, fans as well. Anyone care to share their thoughts on what you think might happen this coming season?

No doubt we're about to see some major sh*t hit the fan (as if Cercei's little surprise for everyone at The Sept wasn't enough, huh?) So...what's next?

thrakattack82's Avatar
I am curious but a little nervous at the same time. I wasn't a fan of how they played out Cersei's trap at the Sept. It came off to me as a bit of a lazy way to tie up a bunch of storylines at once. I hope they aren't rushing to the end and doing the fans a disservice in the process
Dany and Jon hook up putting $$$ down
KittyLamour's Avatar
Dany and Jon hook up putting $$$ down Originally Posted by jville24
Isn't Jon's real dad Dany's brother though? I was thinking the same thing until another fan informed me I was mistaken about Jon Snow's parentage.
Poppa_Viagra's Avatar
Waiting for Arya to hook up with the Hound.
Waiting for the Mountain to finish killing the High Sparrow's head nun, and
Waiting for George R R Martin to finish the damned screenplays already. HBO married him in church (figurative, satirical meaning) and the show runners have gone past him with the story line, makinge their own adaptation of the books.
Will be hard to top the battle in the colliseumm with that last minute air strike.
Note: Spoiler Alert info below...pass this post by if you're in the process of watching GoT and don't have the entire story yet.

Isn't Jon's real dad Dany's brother though? Yes,,,,that would be correct, KL (see explanation below per the lineage. Again...those who are still catching up with the series, avoid reading below as there may be some backstory information you'd prefer to discover on your own).

I was thinking the same thing until another fan informed me I was mistaken about Jon Snow's parentage. The fan needs to go back to GoT University....he/she is mistaken, not you. Originally Posted by KittyLamour
As we all know now (per last season's finale) Eddard (Ned) Stark's bastard (Jon Snow) is not his child as he claimed all these many years. Jon is the offspring of Ned's sister the She Wolf, Lyanna Stark, and the (former) Crown Prince Rhaegar Targaryen (whom future-king Robert Baratheon killed in battle at Ruby Ford) during the rebellion.

Rhaegar was married (to Elia Targaryen) but had fallen in love with Lyanna (and of course had an affair and subsequently a love child). So when brother, Ned, rescued her post-end-of-the-war, at the Tower of Joy, she had him swear to not reveal Jon's true identity since Robert would obviously have him killed.

And, back to your original question, yes, Rhaegar was Daenyery's eldest brother....making Jon Snow, the "King of The North", her nephew. Not likely they'll hook up come series finale (unless they tend up taking a page from Jaime and Cercei's book).
elcalifa's Avatar
Note: Spoiler Alert info below...pass this post by if you're in the process of watching GoT and don't have the entire story yet.

And, back to your original question, yes, Rhaegar was Daenyery's eldest brother....making Jon Snow, the "King of The North", her nephew. Not likely they'll hook up come series finale (unless they tend up taking a page from Jaime and Cercei's book). Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
So Robert knew and that's why Ned was wary? Ned had the real king with him all this time. Also did Aemon know about snow?
I want book 6! I don't know if Martin will ever actually finish them since they are past the books at this point. I was reading the books years before the show ever started. Not a big fan of some of the changes they made for the show, but understand it.

Honestly, the show and the delay in the books have really killed my excitement for this fantasy world. I'm much more of a reader than a watcher, so the show really ruins it for me in a way.
And, back to your original question, yes, Rhaegar was Daenyery's eldest brother....making Jon Snow, the "King of The North", her nephew. Not likely they'll hook up come series finale (unless they tend up taking a page from Jaime and Cercei's book). Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Targaryens do have a history of doing that, so it is possible. In fact, Jaime and Cercei were taking a page from their book.
Boltfan's Avatar
Isn't Jon's real dad Dany's brother though? I was thinking the same thing until another fan informed me I was mistaken about Jon Snow's parentage. Originally Posted by KittyLamour
And that stopped the Lannisters?
Boltfan's Avatar
So Robert knew and that's why Ned was wary? Ned had the real king with him all this time. Also did Aemon know about snow? Originally Posted by elcalifa
Robert did not know. Aemon maybe, but it wasnt in the storyline. Would have to be a sixth sense to smell the bloodline or something.

And a big thanks to TheOriginalDannie for feeding me gumbo and turning me on to this show.
gladius82's Avatar
I think Jon Snow (who knows nothing! LOL) and Khalesi are going to team up and kick ass this season.... and in the last season. They will give a good send off (hopefully as good as Bolton's) to Cerci and Jamie then Jon will have lordship of the north and Khalesi will sit on the Iron Throne. Eventually the surviving Stark children will be reunited. Only after bad ass Ariya finishes her list..... Go Girl !!!!

Can't wait.
I want to see Dany put on a strap on & fuck Cersei in the ass while Tyrion sits in the corner drinking wine & giggling. C'mon, you know you wanna see it too!
KittyLamour's Avatar
I want to see Dany put on a strap on & fuck Cersei in the ass while Tyrion sits in the corner drinking wine & giggling. C'mon, you know you wanna see it too! Originally Posted by Gatsby.Hobbyist
How about afterwards one of Dany's dragons eats Cersei and Tyrion, Sansa, Bran and all the rest she made enemies out of getting to watch.
How about afterwards one of Dany's dragons eats Cersei and Tyrion, Sansa, Bran and all the rest she made enemies out of getting to watch. Originally Posted by KittyLamour
Brutal! But sure, why not