Capitalism: A Love Story!

I am a fan of Mchael Moore and he now has his own website. I became aware of how corporations were making all the rules a long time ago. This man proves it over and over again in his documentaries. They are for sale now, so cannot post for free his documentaries.

When I saw the CEO , who is head of Nike, completely obliterated by Mcihael's questions, I knew. Nike uses poor countries for labor, and the people working there work for pennies. "Nike" charges an inflated price here in America for his "great shoes". Please do not buy Nike. When I heard and saw what they did to the slaves working for pennies a day, makes me sick. They even hit young women over the head with shoes to make them work harder. A investigative journalist tried to press this story, but it never got to mainstream media.

I knew he was going to be a hit!

Believe in humanity and believe that we can make a better world!

Thank you for listening. Will soon post about something most left sided brains would never believe!

I found the link to his favorite documentary. Here it is:

Please watch and share.
Michael Moore is worth Fifty Million from producing documentaries. I am pretty sure it's capitalism and not socialism or communism or any variation there of that is responsible for that fifty million. So why sweat it.

Michael Moore is worth Fifty Million from producing documentaries. I am pretty sure it's capitalism and not socialism or communism or any variation there of that is responsible for that fifty million. So why sweat it.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Hey, I love you dude! A lot of Americans never see these documentaries. So sad, they only watch "Fox News". This guy does his movies based on fact, not fiction! He has so many speeches from Bush, I cannot stand to see it (Bush).

Hate that man.
dirty dog's Avatar
Hey, I love you dude! A lot of Americans never see these documentaries. So sad, they only watch "Fox News". This guy does his movies based on fact, not fiction! He has so many speeches from Bush, I cannot stand to see it (Bush).

Hate that man. Originally Posted by SeekingTruth

I am not sure you can call them documentaries because documentaries are suppose to be based in truth. Moore has no problem changing the truth to fit his version of reality.
Hey, I love you dude! A lot of Americans never see these documentaries. So sad, they only watch "Fox News". This guy does his movies based on fact, not fiction! He has so many speeches from Bush, I cannot stand to see it (Bush).

Hate that man. Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
Brietbart Lives!...
TS, you can occupy micheal moores crotch and he can occupy your oral cavity... Capitalism Rules!
I am not sure you can call them documentaries because documentaries are suppose to be based in truth. Moore has no problem changing the truth to fit his version of reality. Originally Posted by dirty dog
You might of discovered his secret for making 50 million, lol.

I am not sure you can call them documentaries because documentaries are suppose to be based in truth. Moore has no problem changing the truth to fit his version of reality. Originally Posted by dirty dog
ARe you a computer or what? Who programmed your mind not to pay attention to what is going on around you? See my post about what a computer hacker found out! Nuke attack coming soon. Watch more unbiased news dude, instead of all stations owned by Rupert Murdoch.

By the way, Michael Moore deserves every penny he gets for those films. They were a lot of work and provided jobs for a lot of people. Stupid, stupid you.
dirty dog's Avatar
ARe you a computer or what? Who programmed your mind not to pay attention to what is going on around you? See my post about what a computer hacker found out! Nuke attack coming soon. Watch more unbiased news dude, instead of all stations owned by Rupert Murdoch.

By the way, Michael Moore deserves every penny he gets for those films. They were a lot of work and provided jobs for a lot of people. Stupid, stupid you. Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
Personally I think your a fucking nut job and I am positive your unbiased news comes from the check out line at the grocery store. So you base your opinion of the truth on whether or not it provides work and jobs for a lot of people. Hell the government provides work and jobs for a lot of people, so your contradicting yourself. Michael Moore is a bloviating retard whose subject matter and conspiracy theory's fit your strange vision of the word.
Budman's Avatar
ARe you a computer or what? Who programmed your mind not to pay attention to what is going on around you? See my post about what a computer hacker found out! Nuke attack coming soon. Watch more unbiased news dude, instead of all stations owned by Rupert Murdoch.

By the way, Michael Moore deserves every penny he gets for those films. They were a lot of work and provided jobs for a lot of people. Stupid, stupid you. Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
So the fat ass Michael Moore deserves all of his money because it was a lot of work and provided jobs yet the CEO's of other corporations don't deserve their money. You are a simple minded hypocrite. Michael Moore is a lying POS. No wonder you love him.
So the fat ass Michael Moore deserves all of his money because it was a lot of work and provided jobs yet the CEO's of other corporations don't deserve their money. You are a simple minded hypocrite. Michael Moore is a lying POS. No wonder you love him. Originally Posted by Budman
And you are a left brained uncompassionate a**hole. You guys love to come on here and show your hatred toward anyone that doesn't agree with you. I could care less how you classify me, because what you think is not important to me.
Budman's Avatar
And you are a left brained uncompassionate a**hole. You guys love to come on here and show your hatred toward anyone that doesn't agree with you. I could care less how you classify me, because what you think is not important to me. Originally Posted by SeekingTruth
You are a hypocrite. In one of your other asinine threads I asked you 2 very specific questions. You responded by saying

"You have several serious questions I would like to address. For one, I do not think that most Americans have equal rights. It depends on how much money your family has, especially in Texas. Sorry, I am not prejudice toward "new money". I believe in equality for all humans, and it doesn't matter whether you have rich parents or not. All humans deserve an equal chance and that is what I propose. It doesn't matter if you are white, black, yellow, or purple, your rights to equal opportunity pervade and I will never think otherwise."

None of this BS addressed either question in the least. You have also claimed several times that you made $60,000 in a year and paid 30% federal income tax. I think you are a liar or extremely stupid if that is what you actually paid. I think I remember you saying that you were a single mother but I'm not 100% sure of that and I don't feel like researching it but if that is the case then I know you are a liar.

Now you want to praise Michael Moore and say how he deserves all of his millions yet you criticize corporations and their management for making to much money. Do you not see the hypocrisy in your position? You want to whine and cry like a little girl when people call you out. Jesus fucking Christ try and make a rational argument once in a while and just maybe someone would take you seriously.
Does a ceo deserve to make 300 times their lowest-paid worker?
Budman's Avatar
Does a ceo deserve to make 300 times their lowest-paid worker? Originally Posted by WombRaider

Quite possibly. Do you think they should be limited in what they can make? If so what is the max in your mind?
Quite possibly. Do you think they should be limited in what they can make? If so what is the max in your mind? Originally Posted by Budman
Budman's Avatar
$2 Originally Posted by WombRaider

WTF does that mean? Twice as much? 200 times as much? Or is it just $2.00 more?