The face of fascism

This is the face of fascism:

Anarchy Breaks Out in Portland, With the Mayor’s Blessing

A mob surrounded ICE’s office in Southwest Portland June 19. They barricaded the exits and blocked the driveway. They sent “guards” to patrol the doors, trapping workers inside. At night they laid on the street, stopping traffic at a critical junction near a hospital. Police stayed away. “At this time I am denying your request for additional resources,” the Portland Police Bureau’s deputy chief, Robert Day, wrote to federal officers pleading for help. Hours later, the remaining ICE workers were finally evacuated by a small federal police team. The facility shut down for more than a week.

Signs called ICE employees “Nazis” and “white supremacists.” Others accused them of running a “concentration camp,” and demanded open borders and prosecution of ICE agents. Along a wall, vandals wrote the names of ICE staff, encouraging others to publish their private information online.


Note that this is Soros funded, and City government approved. They are fascist, through and through.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
they're commies, not fascists. generally, if they're nazis, they won't be holding "white supremacist" signs.
This is the face of fascism:

Anarchy Breaks Out in Portland, With the Mayor’s Blessing

A mob surrounded ICE’s office in Southwest Portland June 19. They barricaded the exits and blocked the driveway. They sent “guards” to patrol the doors, trapping workers inside. At night they laid on the street, stopping traffic at a critical junction near a hospital. Originally Posted by kehaar

If i was the AG of the US, i'd be sending federal marshalls to ARREST that POS mayor. AND all those protestors. I would also ARREST all those scumbags and charge them with being accessories, if ANYONE had died because the ambulances from that hospital, could NOT make it to an emergency scene in time.

Note that this is Soros funded, and City government approved. They are fascist, through and through. Kehaar Originally Posted by kehaar

And people wonder WHY i feel mayors like this, need to get strung up for being the traitors they are.
Both communist and nazis are a subset of fascist. If one studies them a bit, you'll find they have the same set of fundamental beliefs about people(they are assumed to be stupid), and how to control them(propanganda, racebaiting, hatred, victim wallowing, intimidation, physical assault, media control, centralized power, elimination of individual liberty, coercion of the youth).

Chavez was, and Maduro is, a fascist. They are just like those fellas.
Mobs like this are the ones who will be voting for the next dimocratic presidential nominee .....
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Both communist and nazis are a subset of fascist. If one studies them a bit, you'll find they have the same set of fundamental beliefs about people(they are assumed to be stupid), and how to control them(propanganda, racebaiting, hatred, victim wallowing, intimidation, physical assault, media control, centralized power, elimination of individual liberty, coercion of the youth).

Chavez was, and Maduro is, a fascist. They are just like those fellas. Originally Posted by kehaar

this is where you are wrong. communism and fascism is a subset of marxism. Nazism is a subset of fascism.

they are similar in beliefs and doctrine but there are key differences between the three. the two left wing groups hate each other.

chavez & maduro started out as fascist when they had a functioning capitalist economy, maduro is now basically a commie.

same can be said of Ortega of Nicaragua, I'd have to say he was commie before he became currently fascist.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Mobs like this are the ones who will be voting for the next dimocratic presidential nominee ..... Originally Posted by 00 gauge

democrats will be having clown show train in 2019-2020. bitch hillary will be facing some stiff competition.
Both communist and nazis are a subset of fascist. If one studies them a bit, you'll find they have the same set of fundamental beliefs about people(they are assumed to be stupid), and how to control them(propanganda, racebaiting, hatred, victim wallowing, intimidation, physical assault, media control, centralized power, elimination of individual liberty, coercion of the youth).

Chavez was, and Maduro is, a fascist. They are just like those fellas. Originally Posted by kehaar
That sounds like the DNC platform....
We will only take it so long... and then

Gateway Pundit EXCLUSIVE: Portland Antifa Monsters Attack TWO GRANDMOTHERS — Transgender Trump Supporter Steps in To Save Them

Cheryl Bowen and Lee Gayer Robbins are both harmless grandmothers.

According to their story exclusive with The Gateway Pundit , the Antifa thugs tried to steal their flags and signs by force, only to be thwarted by Edie Dixon, a transgender Trump supporter, who rushed into the scene to take on the commie scum.
Bowen tells The Gateway Pundit: “We were almost to the parking garage. These Antifa, one was masked, the other Lee knew. The girl called Lee by name, taunting her in a weird voice. “Oh Lee what you doing?” she was saying. Then one of them grabbed the flag out of my hand. Edie stepped in a tug of war and they jumped on Edie and start punching her. Lee was blowing her whistle and I was telling the guys in the white pickup, “Call 911. We need help.” That one Antifa girl was saying, “Lee, where are your body guards now?”

Bowen says there were three instigators.

“Let me tell you, Edie held her own. she was outnumbered. So glad she was with us. Nasty Antifa.”

Robbins describes the incident as:

“We were walking the two blocks back to Cheryl’s car. Just the three of us; Me, Cheryl, and Edie. Passed small groups of Antifa. I smiled and nodded at a big fat girl, and she hissed “Fucking bitches.” Right at the garage, a young unmasked pretty girl swooped up from behind us and said, “Oh Lee, how are you? It’s so nice to see you. Where’s your guards?” And then she made a nasty comment to Edie. The tall, skinny Antifa, young kid with her didn’t say anything. Then we turned to go in the garage and she said, “Oh is this where you’re parked?” As Cheryl turned, she grabbed my Patriot Malheur Flag out of Cheryl’s hand, and started to run. And like a flash Edie jumped in, and then the two of them took Edie down to the curb and the fur was flying. 2 hats, wigs, and an electric smokers. All I could think was to blow the whistle someone had given me, to call for help. So I stood there and blew the whistle. Cheryl and I both hollered at two guys in a car to help us. No one did. They just hollered at Antifa to leave us alone. I just saw a big pile with Edie at the bottom.“

Edie Dixon, “TRANServative” Trump supporter, gives her report of the incident to a Portland police officer.

Dixon tells the Gateway Pundit that she is suffering from some injuries.

Bowen commented on that post, “Edie Dixon was Super Women. Took down three of the she-devils. Couldn’t believe the hate they were spewing. Thank you Edie we are safe home now.“

Edie Dixon added, “I’m so happy Cheryl Ellis Bowen. You and Lee have been everything to me, I wasn’t going to let anybody attack you even if it meant getting beat up myself.“

Dixon, who touts herself as a TRANservative, has previously been featured in articles highlighting the strange mix of both her gender identity and her political affiliations.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Now comes SLOBBRIN with the Fake News.

Where besides the whack alt-white blogs that SLOBBRIN regularly quotes as gospel does this story appear?


Looks like the cops kept this thing from turning into another Charlottesville, though. Much to the dismay, no doubt, of all the froggies.
Now comes SLOBBRIN with the Fake News.

Where besides the whack alt-white blogs that SLOBBRIN regularly quotes as gospel does this story appear?


Looks like the cops kept this thing from turning into another Charlottesville, though. Much to the dismay, no doubt, of all the froggies. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

"According to their story exclusive with The Gateway Pundit"

We will only take it so long... and then
. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB

Good for that transgendered trump fan, for stepping in.
I wonder, will the butheads in portland, charge those antifa scum, with a hate crime?
Doubt it.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
transervative? yuck!