It's Roxanne and I am Back!!!

Hello to all my friends and those of you that showed concern! I am back home as of today and doing well! Wow what a CRAZY Journey I went through!!!

So I know lots of you emailed, PM and would like to know the story so I am here to inform you

Most of you knew that I had surgery on the 17th of Feb to have my tonsils removed and nasal surgery. All went well; I made it home to my mom's.

Well the Doctor sent me home with medication 2 being pain pills and the other for nausea. Little did I or my family or the Doctor for that matter know that this was a deadly mixture!!!

My mom came back home to find my body lifeless, blue and swollen...I rushed by EMS and put on life support right away! This happened on the 18th of Feb., I had a heart attack, was in somewhat of a coma and by wed had pulled through to being fully alert, off life support and out of ICU!!! YAY ME

So only problems I have as of now is that I am trying to get back full use of my muscles (strength) and finally healed all the way up.

I truly feel blessed to have pulled through such an ordeal and not get left with any long-term problems.

I will now be seeing a LAWYER about my doctor’s FUCK-UP!!!

Thank You All and Hope To Be Back To Work Soon and Miss You All!!!
NipLover's Avatar
Yay! Glad you are well and on the mend. Welcome back!
runswithscissors's Avatar
kisses and hugs....welcome back, so glad to hear you are well on the way to recovery....wait....i just had a will soon be driving a new mercedes coupe to your new mansion overlooking the lake where i will be your new yardman....take care of yourself!
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 02-28-2010, 03:15 PM
I am very glad to read that you are getting back to your old self.
Great to hear you are ok! Please let me know if there is anything you need! We are so glad you have you back <3
srvfin's Avatar
I am so glad you made it through this nightmare! Take your time and mend up. There's a lot of good folks pullin for ya.....
knotty man's Avatar
im very happy to hear your ok. hope the rest of your recovery goes smooth from here on. you had so many people concerned for you, probably more than you ever realized. this is a great and caring community, even with its occasional disagreements. best wishes for your speedy recovery
Glad you are ok sweetie! Not to sound horrible... but i hope that you "win" big with that lawyer... the doc def. should have given you a heads up on how to properly take the medication!
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Im so happy your home
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
What can we do to help?
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Cheating death is wonderfully exhilarating, almost addictive. Almost. It's hard to imagine ever being bored once you've experienced a near miss.
AustinBusinessTraveler's Avatar

I'm sincerely glad that you are well now and hope that your full recovery goes well and expeditiously.

That said, before you talk to a lawyer, talk to another doctor. Most likely, the combination is something quite common and it was simply bad for your particular physiology. If you'd like to post or PM the meds, that will probably help save you plenty of time and from seeming like someone dying to sue. My two cents.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar

I'm sincerely glad that you are well now and hope that your full recovery goes well and expeditiously.

That said, before you talk to a lawyer, talk to another doctor. Most likely, the combination is something quite common and it was simply bad for your particular physiology. If you'd like to post or PM the meds, that will probably help save you plenty of time and from seeming like someone dying to sue. My two cents. Originally Posted by AustinBusinessTraveler
My thoughts exactly; I just wasn't brave enough to say it. Sounds like an idiosyncratic reaction to something likely as common as aspirin. Messing around with courts and lawyers for years and years sounds like hell on earth to me...unless the doc committed gross malfeasance, with permanent impairment resulting, I wouldn't even consider staying perpetually pissed off from having to jack with lawyers for the next decade or so. The odds are that exact same drug combo was tolerated and effective for that doctor's previous ten thousand patients.
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
Cheating death is wonderfully exhilarating, almost addictive. Almost. It's hard to imagine ever being bored once you've experienced a near miss. Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak

Oh yes....Try it twice and you'll never miss out on the little things that count the most that you never paid attention to before,......
Risn2TheOccasion's Avatar

I'm sincerely glad that you are well now and hope that your full recovery goes well and expeditiously.

That said, before you talk to a lawyer, talk to another doctor. Most likely, the combination is something quite common and it was simply bad for your particular physiology. If you'd like to post or PM the meds, that will probably help save you plenty of time and from seeming like someone dying to sue. My two cents. Originally Posted by AustinBusinessTraveler
Just about every attorney who handles malpractice cases has doctors on retainer to review medical files to determine the weight of the case. Since these are usually handled on a contingency basis, the proven attorney will not proceed if there is no basis for a case. I would consult an attorney and present what you know at this point. Always remember, your medical records are YOURS and can be requested at any time.

Glad you are okay. Considering what I have seen before, God was looking out for you. Hope you are back to 100% very soon.