Trump Says Megyn Kelly Was On The Rag

Geeze, this is going to be a VERY entertaining political season.

Geeze, this is going to be a VERY entertaining political season. Originally Posted by Jackie S
That's because Trump is part comedian. Then sprinkle a little politricks to that and the guy is totally hilarious. I liked his comment about Rosie O'Donnell, lol. The only thing I am a little Leary about Trump is if he runs as an independent he would split the vote and we'll end up with Clinton and that would be disastrous.

Trump won't run as a independent, he will form his own party.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Trump won't run as an independent or with his own party.

He is a total Bozo. White trash from Queens.
Trump won't run as an independent or with his own party.

He is a total Bozo. White trash from Queens. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
This we agree on. His top advisor quit today, saying Trump has 'lost touch with reality'. He doesn't understand that this isn't the apprentice and at some point he will have to actually know what he's talking about. He's a poseur.
  • shanm
  • 08-08-2015, 07:19 PM
This we agree on. His top advisor quit today, saying Trump has 'lost touch with reality'. He doesn't understand that this isn't the apprentice and at some point he will have to actually know what he's talking about. He's a poseur. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Honestly, the more this circus moves along, the more I'm starting to like trump.

I mean, sure, he's definitely a fucking moron and definitely a fucking imbecile, but it'll be fun to watch at least. Our country will trudge on like it always does, no matter who's president. Why not make the most of it.
That's because Trump is part comedian. Then sprinkle a little politricks to that and the guy is totally hilarious. I liked his comment about Rosie O'Donnell, lol. The only thing I am a little Leary about Trump is if he runs as an independent he would split the vote and we'll end up with Clinton and that would be disastrous.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
You're high if you think that was meant as a humorous or comedic remark by Trump. He as dead serious. He is a narcissistic buffoon who has about as much business being the President of the United States as you fact, even less.

And, it's leery not Timothy Leary.....
This we agree on. His top advisor quit today, saying Trump has 'lost touch with reality'. He doesn't understand that this isn't the apprentice and at some point he will have to actually know what he's talking about. He's a poseur. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Agreed, he is in this for the publicity, nothing more. What is amusing is how he has been able to fool people into believing that he is really interested in being POTUS.

Further evidence of the utter absurdity and chaos inherent in the GOP these days. They're nuts.
Agreed, he is in this for the publicity, nothing more. What is amusing is how he has been able to fool people into believing that he is really interested in being POTUS.

Further evidence of the utter absurdity and chaos inherent in the GOP these days. They're nuts. Originally Posted by timpage
Donald Trump is about one thing and that's Donald Trump. And the unwashed masses who see him as the second coming, it's just sad. It shows how desperate they are to be relevant. Conservatives are historically on the wrong side of issues. The people who think like they do are slowly growing old and dying out. We will replace them with forward-thinking progressives who don't see equality as something to avoid at all costs.
Donald Trump is about one thing and that's Donald Trump. And the unwashed masses who see him as the second coming, it's just sad. It shows how desperate they are to be relevant. Conservatives are historically on the wrong side of issues. The people who think like they do are slowly growing old and dying out. We will replace them with forward-thinking progressives who don't see equality as something to avoid at all costs. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Don't let this political bullshit fool you. Progressive are no more interested in equality than conservatives. Take Hillary Clinton for instance. First of all she's a criminal at heart and she totes the equality and women's rights line for votes. She can' possibly be serious when all she does is pull political tricks and lies through her teeth. Trump is right in saying this country is a mess, cause it is. In order for our country to get back on track economically and in every other area we need to stop supporting criminals. The two biggest are Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton. I have strong suspicions about a few others on both sides of the aisle.

Don't let this political bullshit fool you. Progressive are no more interested in equality than conservatives. Take Hillary Clinton for instance. First of all she's a criminal at heart and she totes the equality and women's rights line for votes. She can' possibly be serious when all she does is pull political tricks and lies through her teeth. Trump is right in saying this country is a mess, cause it is. In order for our country to get back on track economically and in every other area we need to stop supporting criminals. The two biggest are Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton. I have strong suspicions about a few others on both sides of the aisle.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
I'll take the devil I know over the devil I don't...
You're high if you think that was meant as a humorous or comedic remark by Trump. He as dead serious. He is a narcissistic buffoon who has about as much business being the President of the United States as you fact, even less.

And, it's leery not Timothy Leary..... Originally Posted by timpage
Wow you're going to correct my spelling. You need to proof read. "He as dead serious" . I am pretty sure it's, he is dead serious. I don't care if he was serious. When people are serious they usually are funny. I got a laugh out of it, so what.

southtown4488's Avatar
Congrats Republicunts. . .you are the ones that created this racist, sexist, angry monster.. . now you cant control it and ur scared. You cant nominate him or youll lose by a landslide, you cant kick him out cause he'll feel mistreated and run as indy, thus splitting the racist vote. hahahaha, deal with it u flock o' shitbirds.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
This we agree on. His top advisor quit today, saying Trump has 'lost touch with reality'. He doesn't understand that this isn't the apprentice and at some point he will have to actually know what he's talking about. He's a poseur. Originally Posted by WombRaider

and somehow we still got Obama. How did such an astute person as you vote for the grand master poseur twice?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Congrats Republicunts. . .you are the ones that created this racist, sexist, angry monster.. . now you cant control it and ur scared. You cant nominate him or youll lose by a landslide, you cant kick him out cause he'll feel mistreated and run as indy, thus splitting the racist vote. hahahaha, deal with it u flock o' shitbirds. Originally Posted by southtown4488
Now you're ranting. Late with your lithium?