Ferguson Erupts In Riots Again After "Unarmed" Youth Shoots at Cops


Well, his Daddy says he was unarmed. And he was a good boy. He just got caught up in the wrong place at the wrong time.

That should settle it. Arrest every cop on duty and charge them with attempted murder.

Well, his Daddy says he was unarmed. And he was a good boy. He just got caught up in the wrong place at the wrong time.

That should settle it. Arrest every cop on duty and charge them with attempted murder. Originally Posted by Jackie S
And don't forget to invite "Reverend" Al Sharptounge to come down to lead the "choir" in a rendition of " We Shall Overcome" . Like he did last time. Maybe there'll be an appearance by the new AG, Loretta Lynch, to see to it that all of the racist cops on the force get tied to the railroad tracks on their way to the Federal pokey ! But of course, all of those liberal " income redistributionist " (in PC speak, what the rest of us call thieves , THUGS and LOOTERS ) of the Dindu Nuffin gang will never see a court room for "venting their anger over the injustice of it all."
And don't forget to invite "Reverend" Al Sharptounge to come down to lead the "choir" in a rendition of " We Shall Overcome" . Like he did last time. Maybe there'll be an appearance by the new AG, Loretta Lynch, to see to it that all of the racist cops on the force get tied to the railroad tracks on their way to the Federal pokey ! But of course, all of those liberal " income redistributionist " (in PC speak, what the rest of us call thieves , THUGS and LOOTERS ) of the Dindu Nuffin gang will never see a court room for "venting their anger over the injustice of it all." Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Go fuck yourself, you insensitive prick. Never see a courtroom? 2/3 of those in jail are black, you fucking idiot. Seems like plenty see a courtroom.

Go fuck yourself, you insensitive prick. Never see a courtroom? 2/3 of those in jail are black, you fucking idiot. Seems like plenty see a courtroom.

http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2...unts.html?_r=0 Originally Posted by WombRaider
" Don't do the crime if you can't do the time." And they wouldn't have to see a court room if they weren't out living the thug life. And how many of them go right back to " the life " that got them into trouble with the law to begin with ? Nice of you to be sympatico with your biggest client base there woomby. Do you offer the "homey's" discounts if they want to make you "air-tight" ? Is it as good as the discount that you give to "La Raza" ? Your "homey" buddies might file a discrimination claim against you if you give "La Raza" a better deal. Pobre puto ! You never thought that running your "bidness" at Talleywackers and your 'holes franchises would be SOOOO complicated, now did you ? !!!
" Don't do the crime if you can't do the time." And they wouldn't have to see a court room if they weren't out living the thug life. And how many of them go right back to " the life " that got them into trouble with the law to begin with ? Nice of you to be sympatico with your biggest client base there woomby. Do you offer the "homey's" discounts if they want to make you "air-tight" ? Is it as good as the discount that you give to "La Raza" ? Your "homey" buddies might file a discrimination claim against you if you give "La Raza" a better deal. Pobre puto ! You never thought that running your "bidness" at Talleywackers and your 'holes franchises would be SOOOO complicated, now did you ? !!! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
You're a complete blithering idiot. I'm sure your mother is proud.
  • DSK
  • 08-10-2015, 03:08 PM
Go fuck yourself, you insensitive prick. Never see a courtroom? 2/3 of those in jail are black, you fucking idiot. Seems like plenty see a courtroom.

http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2...unts.html?_r=0 Originally Posted by WombRaider
I suppose they are all innocent? Generally speaking, if they victimized other black people, what should we do about the crimes they committed?

I'm even willing to concede that poverty is something of a breeding ground for crime, and something should be done about it. That something is that they get up off their lazy fucking ass and work - like I do - if they can.

Scroll down to the second picture. That might be the Son that President Obama never had second from the left with his pants around his ass.

I'm sure this young man was just getting off work and stopped off at the riot.

Scroll down to the second picture. That might be the Son that President Obama never had second from the left with his pants around his ass.

I'm sure this young man was just getting off work and stopped off at the riot. Originally Posted by Jackie S
They wear their pants like that so when they come across one of woomby's swishy walking brethren, they can "drop trou " and get themselves a "quicky" just like woomby likes. woomby is trying to not only boost his post count numbers here, but boost his numbers at the 'holes so he can advertise like McDonalds- " Billions SERVED ". He's sure hooked on getting his " ropey loads " facials !!
LexusLover's Avatar
...Seems like plenty see a courtroom. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Good. Their Constitutional Rights are being protected.

Things have gotten better.
LexusLover's Avatar
.... they get up off their lazy fucking ass and work - like I do - if they can. Originally Posted by DSK
If they can find a riot, they can find a job.
If they can participate in the riot, then can do the job.
You're a complete blithering idiot. I'm sure your mother is proud. Originally Posted by WombRaider
She is , actually, and thanks for asking !!! How about your morbidly obese Momma / sister that there was a picture of posted on here on this site a few days back ? Is she proud of your "management position" at all of those 'holes franchises ? Are you saving up to get her a "lap band surgery " with some of your earnings ? How about a NEW 50 ton chain boom to help her get out of bed for her to be able to go to the beauty parlor or shopping at Walmart ? We know how you inbreds from Arkansas and you mojados so love to "chop" at walmart !!
This young feller? Why, he looks like he didndunufin...

Michael would be so proud of his friend...

A friend of Michael Brown is in a ‘critical, unstable condition’ after being shot by police when he used a stolen handgun to fire on officers during a protest to mark the one-year anniversary of the 18-year-old’s controversial death.

"Black Lives Matter" well maybe not so much... didndunufin again???


The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
"Black Lives Matter" well maybe not so much... didndunufin again???


Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
IFFY .. come on man! you "know" you can't post black on black violence! it's "MYTH"