Surprise Candidate Surges After Republican Debates

flghtr65's Avatar
Dr. Ben Carson gets a significant bump in the polls taken after the debates. Can he catch Trump?
LexusLover's Avatar
People are hoping he will have some inside knowledge on providing lobotomies to Liberals.....that will be effective, but not destroy the Medicaid budget.
People are hoping he will have some inside knowledge on providing lobotomies to Liberals.....that will be effective, but not destroy the Medicaid budget. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Hopefully he can complete the partial lobotomy that was done to woomby so many years ago .
Budman's Avatar
I think WR was who Carson was referring to when he said he had removed half a brain. In this case he forgot to put it back.
I think WR was who Carson was referring to when he said he had removed half a brain. In this case he forgot to put it back. Originally Posted by Budman
He must have left in the half that automatically controls breathing so that woomby could keep being a mouth breather and not have to think too hard and remember to breath.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You shouldn't accuse Dr. Carson of screwing up Nazi Baby Killer's reassignment surgery. Dr. Carson put that half of the brain back...after a nurse dropped it unfortuneatly.
He must have left in the half that automatically controls breathing so that woomby could keep being a mouth breather and not have to think too hard and remember to breath. Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Breathing is, luckily for you, involuntary.
You shouldn't accuse Dr. Carson of screwing up Nazi Baby Killer's reassignment surgery. Dr. Carson put that half of the brain back...after a nurse dropped it unfortuneatly. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Unfortuneatly? If you're going to make a joke about someone having half a brain, a good rule of thumb is probably not to make any spelling errors.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The FAUX Grammar Nazi Baby Killer strikes again. I think I put those in there sometimes just to give you something to do. I also know that you've missed a couple. Does sound like that you accept the charge of brain damage.

As far as the OP; I announced Carson getting in the race when he announced and have already given some money to him. I like him but have not been sold on him yet. Need to keep him and Carly in the race though.
Unfortuneatly? If you're going to make a joke about someone having half a brain, a good rule of thumb is probably not to make any spelling errors. Originally Posted by WombRaider
THOUGHT woomby THOUGHT !!!!!! Yes, Puto Grammer Nazi ! I remember when you fuck up YOUR spelling !!!! If you're gonna claim to be a writer for travel brochures, a good rule of thumb is probably NOT to make ANY spelling errors. Ya lying cumguzzler !! Pobre pinche puto !!
He is wasting his time, Trump already said there would be no black presidents after Obie......
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 08-11-2015, 11:40 AM
You shouldn't accuse Dr. Carson of screwing up Nazi Baby Killer's reassignment surgery. Dr. Carson put that half of the brain back...after a nurse dropped it unfortuneatly. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Nah, they traded it out for a monkey brain. The monkey got seriously fucked over. Lol
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I'm curious as to why Flighter is so surprised. Do you think that every black person in the country in on the democratic plantation? Doesn't that make you some sort of a racist for thinking that?

Trump said that there would be no more black presidents BECAUSE of Obama. I've said this before, when Branch Rickie hired Jackie Robinson to break the color barrier in baseball he wanted two important things; the ability to take it and the ability to play baseball. He got both in Robinson who was not the best player but he had those two important qualities. Okay, fast forward to 2008. The democratic party was so concerned about having a minority candidate that they forgot to include competence in the job qualifications. They just cared about the way someone looked as opposed to their character which is counter to what Martin Luther King wanted. The democratic, racist way of looking at politics.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-11-2015, 06:20 PM
The democratic party was so concerned about having a minority candidate that they forgot to include competence in the job qualifications. They just cared about the way someone looked as opposed to their character which is counter to what Martin Luther King wanted. The democratic, racist way of looking at politics. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD you fucking idiot....the Dems were winning in 2008 no matter who the nominee was...on either side.

The progressive wing of the party beat out the Clinton wing...same as Bernie Sanders is trying to do, it had nothing to do with race, that was just a side show.

You really should stop trying to rewrite history.